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City of Pleasanton
PC 083116
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So in regards to if we should build it, I would vote yes. I initially was leaning towards the <br />other lot; Lot 37, but I think the comment or feedback we received tonight about it being <br />Lot 11 does make sense and with the parking element that has been discussed, I know <br />this is a workshop so we don't necessarily have to rule on it, but I'm personally okay <br />with not taking the second lot but I am looking at where Lot 11 is and Parcel B on the <br />map where it's basically the bulb to the court and from my view if they somehow <br />straighten the bulb and cause it to be less linear or have less curvature to allow for <br />perpendicular parking into that Parcel B area kind of at the head of the bulb —I don't <br />know how to necessarily describe that —but I would presume you could get not <br />necessarily ample parking but you could get some parking and I think it might help me <br />get to a solution that might meet everyone's needs. In my opinion, there's no doubt that <br />they should be able to dedicate this to the City and the City should accept it and I can't <br />believe that government beaurocracy could stop something so, in my opinion and only <br />in mine, logical. <br />Commissioner Brown: I hesitate to speak since I know I'm being the dissenting voice <br />tonight, but so first of all, I have a community park just a couple of blocks from my <br />house and I have a toddler, and I think it was just the other week when all of a sudden <br />we had to make an emergency potty break and I had to literally run down the sidewalk <br />with her, so I do sympathize. I have seen the linear park and if I look at the lot layout I <br />can certainly see why somebody in the far reaches of the community would want a <br />bathroom. I'm a little bit on the fence so given we're not voting tonight, I'm not going to <br />come up with a hard and fast...I can take public input. If the majority of residents want it <br />and are not opposed to putting in a restroom facility, I would rather Ponderosa maintain <br />the facility in perpetuity over the Park and Rec Department frankly and if you were to <br />ask me which lot, I would say the Lot 11 that was mentioned. And, in terms of the <br />meeting room, one of the questions I had is, it was mentioned that there is Boy Scout <br />meetings, advocacy group meetings, etc. How large are those meetings? And is the <br />proposed meeting room large enough to accommodate those for like how large is the <br />advocacy group meetings that meets once a month? And how large is the proposed <br />uses and if it's not large enough for those meetings, then why build it I guess would be <br />my question. Like I said, these are more comments than anything else and I'm not <br />proposed to come hard and fast on the other two. <br />Commissioner Allen: I appreciate all of the comments. I also did want to disclose that I <br />did meet with the developer. I met with Connie Cox over the phone and I walked the <br />park and talked to about 10 residents, including the woman who has the day care center <br />who is here. Everyone I talked to lives in that area; in the Valley Trails area, and there <br />wasn't anyone coming from outside that area. I also tended to talk to ... many of the <br />people aren't represented today and they were from the Yosemite Court area which is <br />the area a little nearer to where the restrooms would be. I think right now where the <br />playground is. <br />(audience —It's not Yosemite) <br />Commissioner Allen: Oh, sorry. It's near that area. <br />(audience — Yellowstone) <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, August 31, 2016 Page 22 of 58 <br />
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