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Commissioner Allen: Okay, thank you for clarifying that. So I heard two needs today. <br />First of all, I think there is a divided community and I don't know if what we're seeing <br />today is representative or not. So I would like to see a survey done of all residents <br />everywhere so we can find out two things; number one, I'd like to find out what their <br />priorities are in terms of the need as Ed started with; the first speaker -the need for a <br />clubhouse for the Boy Scout meetings, and how many people think that's the top need <br />versus how many want a public restroom. I'd like to find out what the priority of the <br />community is and then secondly, find out just where they would place it and use that as <br />a piece of input for us. Where I come out personally is I'd be open to it, but I agree with <br />Commissioner Nagler about we're creating sort of a public space with private dollars to <br />be maintained by a yet -to -be -named homeowner's association, but you know what, it <br />can be done. So I do see problems later but I guess the homeowner's association will <br />just have to deal with it or come back if there's an issue with what we grant them in <br />terms of conditions of approval. However, I believe very strongly it's inappropriate to use <br />City money to fund, to take over this responsibility for the land and the restroom and <br />that's because —not just because it's in the Parks and Rec Plan because Commissioner <br />Balch is absolutely right that plans could change, but mainly because most of our public <br />parks that are truly neighborhood parks (which this is) don't have public restrooms. I <br />think we're setting the wrong precedent because I know the park I live near which <br />supports about 500 or 600 people requested bathrooms several years ago and we were <br />turned down because of consistency; for the same reason you were given by staff— <br />neighborhood parks, the City is not intending to maintain those bathrooms and I would <br />rather that our City money be used on facilities that support a broader community. <br />And in terms of logistics, I do think if it's a clubhouse, if the clubhouse is the highest <br />need, I would think that would be more near Valley Trails Drive, I guess Lot 37. If the <br />highest need would be consistent with speakers today it would be the restroom then it <br />should be near the park and if it's near the park I definitely think we should have some <br />parking ideally on something like Lot 10. Maybe we could get creative with the dead -end <br />street but I think we need more than that so that's what I'm thinking. <br />Chair Ritter: Okay, great. I appreciate everybody's feedback. I value it. I also served six <br />years on Park and Rec and sat through the master plan and we had the discussion <br />what's a community park, what's a neighborhood park and we have 10 community <br />parks and about 33 neighborhood parks. But one thing I noticed is that Alviso Adobe is <br />classified as a community park at 7 acres and it has a bathroom. Valley Trails Park is <br />6.1 acres and this is one we're talking about and it doesn't have a bathroom and it <br />sounds like there is a need for more bathrooms in these parks. And if we're creating a <br />revenue stream for the City I would like to see that as far as what taxes are incurred <br />from this as compared to what the church is paying and maybe those taxes that we <br />bring in through that would help support the bathroom maintenance, etc. so it's an <br />added benefit but we're getting some revenue out of it. So I am in favor of re- looking at <br />all of the neighborhood parks and bathrooms. I think it's important to be able to go when <br />you have to go and I mean, there's a lot of homes on this map. There's not just <br />37 homes we're talking about that would be able to use it and so I think I'm in favor of <br />really analyzing it and making sure the numbers make sense. <br />Commissioner Balch: I think I can get Commissioner Nagler on this. The argument that <br />we don't lose developer money to build something and then they continue to maintain it <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, August 31, 2016 Page 23 of 58 <br />