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PC 083116
City of Pleasanton
PC 083116
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Does the Commission support the construction of a club /meeting room building <br />with restroom facilities within the project site? If so, which location? <br />Commissioner Nagler: This is an interesting one because when I met with <br />representatives of the entity and it's not really an entity, that shall remain nameless but <br />very active and very influential in their neighborhood, it was clear that while they <br />welcomed what they considered to be a better use of this land, what they certainly were <br />losing was a place to gather and therefore they wanted this amenity and Ponderosa in <br />its well- maintained track record of working with communities agreed to build it. And it <br />raises some interesting questions about the private construction of a public facility and <br />what happens to that over time. The day it's opened, and Commissioner Balch referred <br />to this, the day it's opened it's wonderful, it's maintained, it's gorgeous, it's used, it's <br />welcomed, it's 1 year, 2 years, 10 years down the road, different residents, different <br />time, different attitude, different condition of the building itself and it begs the question — <br />if it isn't the responsibility of the taxpayers at large and therefore fits into the work <br />stream of the City, what does happen to this facility? Does it become an eyesore? Does <br />it become something that isn't properly managed? It occurs to me for example, we can <br />say as an easy statement it's use, even in good times, will be managed by the <br />homeowners association but none of the people buying the homes are being asked the <br />question do they want to take responsibility for managing a facility and somebody has to <br />sit at his or her kitchen table with a spreadsheet and say, sure, you can use the facility <br />on May 15`", right? <br />So I am troubled by this idea of us creating a so- called public space with private dollars <br />and the accountability for maintaining it with yet to -be- identified private individuals. <br />I guess the bottom line for me is I would actually in the end prefer this not to be part of <br />the project. If it is part of the project I think parking is an issue and that it ought to be two <br />lots. If it does exist I absolutely think it should be on Lot 11, but I also think Lot 10 <br />should be included because we do need to be sensitive to parking. We do need to be <br />sensitive to the use of the facility and not have it burden the people whose homes are <br />nearby. But, I'm wondering whether it's a business we want to get into. <br />Commissioner Balch: I served on the Park and Rec Commission for 4.5 years before <br />this. I was a member of the Park and Rec Master Plan Task Force. I voted in favor of <br />the task force plan. I will say just like that, the Council just stopped building two tennis <br />parks that were also listed in the Parks and Rec Master Plan because the community it <br />affected the most widely has voiced their opinion. And listening to this community, we <br />can see that the Park and Rec Master Plan conducted at a 30,000 foot level did not <br />necessarily get the full feedback from the community as we are hearing here. So, I can <br />easily with a sound mind say we should be building this facility for these residents. <br />I have several things I want to mention about this unique item. One, the City is already <br />in the business of maintaining bathrooms. The opinion or the fact that they don't want to <br />get into the business or maintain the bathrooms is because it is difficult and I <br />understand that. But the fact that this is a public park for the greater city I look at as a <br />bolt -on item and I think the City is already in the business. In fact, I happen to know that <br />the crew who maintains the park is typically the crew that maintains restroom facilities, <br />so they're typically already there. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, August 31, 2016 Page 21 of 58 <br />
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