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City of Pleasanton
PC 083116
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get there if it helps your logic is that when I look at the Valley Trails Drive road itself <br />being a horseshoe and the concept of any other use of this site being something that <br />would basically chokehold this street to gridlock, I can't personally justify anything else <br />than the housing element in my opinion. I definitely think the school issue is a challenge. <br />I definitely think if you put anything of a public nature in this area, you're going to <br />chokehold Valley Trails and I see it when you have to deal with it at every light cycle <br />with Ken Mercer's sports park across the street. So from my view, I think that's how I <br />was able to say a General Plan Amendment in my opinion is supportable. <br />Commissioner Allen: May I make one comment. I may be the only person involved <br />during the Housing Element Task Force. If Greg was here, sat with me about four or five <br />years ago through almost every single Housing Element meeting and that's when I met <br />Connie Cox and sat through to hear the disposition on every project. That is what <br />causes —and in those meetings and we have three Councilmembers who were actually <br />serving on the Planning Commission then and as they made a final decision about how <br />many total projects to rezone, there was quite a discussion of should we rezone <br />additional land and additional project sites, not in Valley Trails projects —like that was <br />taken off of the list. Should we rezone more than we need to just in case. And as I sat <br />there listening to the three Planning Commissioners who were up there, it was <br />absolutely not over my dead body would we do that and that was because of the strong <br />public input that came in over a year and one half about why would we do that. So I <br />lived through that. I saw the public input that came and I'm also looking at the survey <br />that was done just last year. It's the most recent survey of our residents across <br />Pleasanton when we asked them what their number one concern was. This was an <br />open -ended question. What is your top concern if anything, and the number one <br />concern was there was too much growth and development. That was the number one, <br />unprompted concern. It was twice as much as the second concern which was water. <br />On that same survey they asked a separate question which was what are your top <br />issues and of the issues, it was 43% of people in total across the City said too much <br />growth and development was a top issue and 2 years previously that number was just <br />23 %. So what it said as a whole community, people are increasingly concerned about <br />that issue and in contrast, only 14% said too slow a growth was an issue. It was <br />because of traffic and water, but I'm just highly, highly sensitive of this community here I <br />understand why you're here but I'm really needing to look more broadly at sitting <br />through those meetings that I sat through for a year and one half and this material to <br />say I'm not sure this is the right time. But, I want to acknowledge, Jack to your point, <br />that medium density housing is the right use for this land and I also agree that probably <br />institutional and certainly high density housing absolutely doesn't make sense. So my <br />concern, and again, I'm not voting here. I just need more information, but my concern <br />right now is just a timing question. It's not about the project, but I want to participate <br />though in the project in how to make it the best it could be. <br />Chair Ritter: Great feedback. Let's move onto Number 2: <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, August 31, 2016 Page 20 of 58 <br />
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