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PC 083116
City of Pleasanton
PC 083116
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Commissioner Brown: No, I'm not. I do apologize to the audience because I do <br />understand the public input. You guys are very supportive and worked hard for the last <br />couple of years with Ponderosa, but from a city perspective, I've got a few concerns. <br />One is zoning 60 acres of public institutional land. Nine of that 60 acres that's left, <br />there's no plan for. There was a slide up of the schools there. It showed that the <br />enrollment at Donlon Elementary School was 950 with a current capacity of 600. Staff <br />made comments about you could do some redistricting and reallocation and some of <br />that gap might be closed, but at this point, I know the project is small. You're talking <br />about 15 elementary school students, but every lit bit makes that situation worse and so <br />there's no plan for the impacted schools. The General Plan trumps the existing zoning <br />and we need to consider any amendments to the General Plan carefully and I did go out <br />and look at the property. I do recognize the fact that it's 9 acres and the church is using <br />a small portion of that today and I did notice that it needs improvement in terms of the <br />parking lot and surrounding landscaping. I do recognize the need for something better, <br />but I haven't seen enough data to convince myself that reallocating public institutional <br />land at this point when we only have 60 acres open left is the right choice. I haven't <br />been given enough data there. I have asked for more information from the Pleasanton <br />Unified School District from the planning division, etc., and will educate myself in the <br />meantime, but if you were to ask me at the current time, I'm not supportive of the <br />General Plan Amendment. <br />Chair Ritter: Okay, and to clarify, when was the General Plan created? And how often <br />has it been amended since? <br />Weinstein: So it was adopted in 2005 and it plans out to the year 2025. <br />Chair Ritter: It's been amended three or four times? <br />Weinstein: There's been several General Plan Amendments in the last couple of years I <br />would say. I don't think we have the number at our fingertips, but there's been several <br />General Plan Amendments, primarily for changes in land use designation of the type <br />we're talking about tonight. If I could just clarify really fast, some of the numbers that <br />Commissioner Brown was talking about, just to make it really clear, he's correct. We <br />have 60 acres of privately held, developable P &I land; public and institutional land that's <br />in the context of 600 acres of P &I land overall in the City, so I just want to make that <br />distinction between privately held, developable that is sort of under - utilized and not a lot <br />of development occurring on those 60 acres in the context again of 600 overall acres of <br />P &I land in the City that are privately and publicly held. Some of those sites have <br />existing buildings on them. It doesn't mean that they can't be redeveloped in the future, <br />but again, I just want to call out that point. <br />Chair Ritter: All right, let's move on to the second one. <br />Commissioner Balch: Can I make a few additional statements on this item? <br />Chair Ritter: Sure. <br />Commissioner Balch: So I struggled a little bit at first, especially in light of the 60 acre <br />element that Adam just mentioned, but I would like to mention that the way I was able to <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, August 31, 2016 Page 19 of 58 <br />
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