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Commissioner Allen: I just want to make sure on this. So this was evaluated and it was <br />decided it didn't make sense for high density housing. During the Housing Element it <br />was actually dropped somewhere early mid -cycle because... <br />Beaudin: Early yes. Neighborhood concerns. <br />Commissioner Allen: There were a lot of concerns because it was so far away and the <br />transportation wasn't nearby and there were a lot of reasons. So, who knows, but it's <br />probably likely it wouldn't be considered again because of those same reasons. <br />However, let's just pretend it just stays medium density, just exactly like this project. My <br />understanding and I just want to double check from what you asked is that if it was 2022 <br />and this same project proposal came forward, if to the degree we get a number that <br />says you have to have 1,000 units that are above moderate income you need 1,000 that <br />are moderate and 1,000 that are below, this project could likely count toward the above <br />moderate income number that we would need to meet if it was 2022. <br />Beaudin: I would say that is correct. <br />Commissioner Allen: Okay, thank you. Versus if we did it now it would not count toward <br />any numbers. <br />Chair Ritter: Let's clarify that. HCD wrote that approving and permitting a project would <br />be considered progress towards the regional housing need and can be reported as <br />RHNA credit in the annual report in the implementation of the General Plan pursuant to <br />Government Code section 65400. <br />Beaudin: Yes, so they wrote us that letter on the Kaplan Zia Irby project and I think their <br />word choice is a little challenging for me. The credit piece is on our annual reporting <br />which is a requirement that we have and that's on our overall achievement toward <br />meeting housing element objectives. So things like a contribution to an affordable <br />housing project or even approving above moderate income housing are all moving in a <br />direction supportive of the overall housing element. So there's the Regional Housing <br />Needs Allocation which is a specific number and we zone for that and plan for that in <br />the community and then there's all the other things that we're doing that support <br />essentially market rate housing for the most part here in Pleasanton to build additional <br />housing supply into the region. So HCD is supportive of those kinds of projects because <br />it's what Adam mentioned a little bit earlier when we were talking about RHNA. You're <br />collecting money for affordable housing projects, you're adding more market rate <br />housing into an area that needs that at this particular point in time, and so credit is just a <br />loaded word because it makes it sound like you're getting chips in the bank, but you're <br />really not. You're really just doing the right thing per your Housing Element. <br />Chair Ritter: Okay, are we good with Number 1? Did you get enough information? <br />Beaudin: Viewed favorably. <br />Chair Ritter: Viewed favorably. Commissioner Allen said not sure, Commissioner <br />Brown, yes or no? <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, August 31, 2016 Page 18 of 58 <br />