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City of Pleasanton
PC 083116
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conversation about the locking mechanisms on the doors have come up and most <br />restrooms in public parks do have those locking mechanisms on them, people still find a <br />way to vandalize them so it only increases the cost of maintenance and the long -term <br />cost for maintaining that facility or making it usable for the residents so I have a problem <br />with the restroom facility, and that's all I have. <br />Nancy Mullins: Hi, I'm Nancy Mullins. I live at = Yosemite Court North and I have a <br />day care there. As somebody who spends a lot of time at the park, I definitely want the <br />restroom. There's also, we talked about before having a tot park there for the littler kids. <br />The playground there is mostly I think for 12 and up and so it's really dangerous for the <br />little kids. There are like three openings up there and it's pretty dangerous. I don't let my <br />kids go up there because it's just not safe. The other thing is, you know, the walkway <br />from one end of the park to the other is pretty decent now, so if you make it wider you're <br />just going to take away more of our green space. I think when you talk about Lassen <br />and having the entrance there, I think there's like three streets there so that's going to <br />be a big traffic jam and then you guys have to think about the lights. The lights for <br />people taking their kids to school in the mornings, they never change so people are <br />having to leave school 20 minutes early to get their kids to school on time, so that's a <br />really big problem, and now with at least every one of those houses, they're going to <br />have at least two cars, so that's another 70 something cars coming into the <br />neighborhood. <br />Marta Saida: Hi. My name is Marta Saida. I live at = South Valley Trails. I am sort of <br />between the.... Valley Trails is a horseshoe street. I'm kind of midway and closer to <br />Hopyard. My concern is that currently we have a traffic situation on Valley Trails. There <br />are cars speeding from deep into the neighborhood. I've seen one car probably go <br />about 50 mph. I've called the police about this in the past and nothing has happened. <br />So my question is, what traffic calming procedures or devices have you actually studied <br />for traffic impacts in our neighborhood especially from the neighbors up at the top closer <br />to Hopyard? My concern as mentioned before, is this is going to cause, potentially <br />77 cars volume -wise to come in and I've already had one of my cats run over due to a <br />speeding car. I would like to see traffic studies be done or some kind of an assessment <br />of what the current situation is in the neighborhood. <br />Connie Cox: Hi. I'm Connie Cox. So usually what I do is I kind of summarize. I've taken <br />notes and I have some concerns and questions of things that were said, so it's <br />clarification. We have been working with Ponderosa for two years and we are excited <br />that this project is close, but in order to get rezoned, the neighborhood wants to have a <br />benefit from it, and the neighbors are the ones who have asked for the bathrooms and <br />the clubhouse. What many people don't realize and you may not —how many of you <br />have walked Valley Trails Park? Okay, cool, so since the Dolores Bengston days when <br />she was park, I've been dealing with the issue that we have a long linear park. I've been <br />told since 1989 that the City would never build it again because of the difficulty in <br />maintenance, etc., etc., etc. But if you imagine that you live up here on Crater Lake <br />Court and you need to go to the bathroom and you're down here or you have a toddler, <br />this is a long ways to go. What we have now is kids going in the bushes, etc. So we <br />don't want that. We want the clubhouse and we want the bathrooms. Up until tonight, <br />thought the bathrooms were going to be open until 8:00 p.m. or 9:00 p.m. like the sports <br />park. That's what we've talked about where the automatically lock. Again, from the <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, August 31, 2016 Page 14 of 58 <br />
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