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City of Pleasanton
PC 083116
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there would be at least 10 parking spaces that would be needed for that community <br />room as dictated by that section of the zoning code. <br />Dan Lacey: Thanks for having me. I'm Dan Lacey. I live at = Valley Trails Drive. I <br />agree with Ed on the location of the facility; the restroom and the meeting room. I think <br />the restrooms should be made open to the public with the exterior entrance of it all. I'd <br />also like to say I've been a boardmember of the former Valley Trails Homeowners <br />Association for about 15 years. I'm still active with the current group and we've done a <br />lot of work with the Ponderosa group. We've seen the progress through the years of the <br />different plans for that lot. You may know that we fought diligently against them. This is <br />one that most of us agree with. You know, there are a few dissenting voices about a <br />bathroom and NIMBY (not in my back yard) situations, but I think that's all I'd like to say <br />but I'm all for this current plan. <br />Bob Anderson: Good evening. I'm Bob Anderson. I live at = Shenandoah Court. I've <br />been a resident of Valley Trails for about 35 years and have seen many different <br />proposals for this piece of property and by far this is the best one that's been presented. <br />I think it has a win /win situation for not only Ponderosa but for Valley Trails and the City <br />of Pleasanton. I'd like to keep and have the amenity of the clubhouse because as Ed <br />said, the church is where we meet on election day to vote and we also need a place to <br />vote. The church has been very supportive in this proposal as well as most everybody in <br />the neighborhood. You're not going to please everybody 100% of the time, but I think <br />we have a large group of people who are for this proposal and would like to see it go <br />forward with everything that Ed has said and what Pam has said. So that's all I have to <br />say. <br />Carolyn Lacey: Hello. I'm Carolyn Lacey. I live on Valley Trails with Dan Lacey and <br />we've lived there for 19 years and had to look at the church —I don't know if you guys <br />know, but probably for 5 years there was a lawn chair on top of the church and I'm sorry <br />Bob, but it was in disarray and it's still not quite up to par and it would be nice to see <br />something developed there and this is a great plan. We've been working with <br />Ponderosa and Pam and we just all agree with it. The bathrooms I do believe should be <br />open to the public. I think like Muirwood or Creekside or the sports park, they lock and <br />we can use them. The kids need them. I need them when I walk the dogs. I'm in support <br />of the project and $300,000 to improve Valley Trails would go a really long way. We've <br />needed some improvements in there; our gateways, everything. I know that they're <br />willing to do those things for us so I'd be nice to have that, and that's all I have to say. <br />Sandy Temberg: Thank you. Good evening Chair Ritter and members of the <br />Commission. My name is Sandy Temberg and I reside at M Isle Royal Court in Valley <br />Trails. I feel kind of like the little dissenter up here. I think it's a great infill project for this <br />site. I have no problem with Ponderosa's recommendation and the work that my fellow <br />residents have done; however, I do not agree with putting in a restroom facility. I'm glad <br />you brought up the conversation about the neighborhood park differences. I don't <br />necessarily think that restrooms in a neighborhood park are warranted. In some cases <br />they are, but I don't believe they are in this one. There's a lot of maintenance, on -going <br />capital costs with a public facility including a restroom facility that we're just not set up to <br />accommodate, especially if the City does not want to take over the maintenance of the <br />restroom daily as well as long term. In addition, I think that even though the <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, August 31, 2016 Page 13 of 58 <br />
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