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With that, I will conclude and I'm sure a lot of the neighbors are here tonight and are <br />anxious to get up and address the Commission. Unless you have any questions from <br />me, I will happily sit down. <br />Commissioner Balch: I do actually, a quick question about the facility amenity. The <br />position is that if it's a public facility and hence, not part of the HOA, how are you <br />handling the land? Where is title on the land? Is that going to stay in the HOA? <br />Hardy: We have offered to dedicate that as public park space. If it's going to be a public <br />building it should be on publicly dedicated parkland. <br />Commissioner Balch: So basically, and to make sure I'm interpreting it correctly, it <br />sounds like you're saying we'll build it on the parcel, landscape it, get it done and then <br />we'll dedicate it and it's not even part of our HOA area anymore because it's into the <br />public use. <br />Hardy: That's correct and obviously, as a result, we're losing a lot in that process. But in <br />order to accommodate that and to give setbacks and not impact the existing facilities <br />within the park, we're doing it within the confines and boundaries of our project site. <br />Commissioner Balch: Thank you for the clarification. <br />Chair Ritter: Does Ponderosa run a HOA for any other public facilities similar to this <br />amenity? <br />Hardy: Many of our projects have an HOA to take care of common area maintenance <br />responsibilities. It's standard operating procedure where Ponderosa will stay on that <br />board until such time as the majority of the homes are sold to new homeowners and <br />then they take on the majority position on the board and then Ponderosa is no longer <br />part of that HOA other than perhaps providing some guidance and assistance as they <br />continue in their setup and may need some assistance in that regard. But once it is <br />turned over to the private HOA, we are out. <br />Commissioner Brown: Is anyone from the church planning to speak? <br />Hardy: The pastor is here tonight, and I'm sure if you have specific questions of him, <br />he'll be happy to answer that. <br />Commissioner Brown: I have a question which would best be addressed by the owner. <br />Hardy: And one other quick thing I wanted to point out to staff —the plan that you <br />referenced that showed some parking on an additional lot within the project site, I <br />believe you're referring to a study we prepared internally to show you the merits or lack <br />thereof of having this be a public facility that would be accessed by the streets in our <br />project site. Naturally, we would be concerned if a parking impact occurred to our new <br />homeowners as well as the surrounding, existing neighbors we have. <br />Chair Ritter: Great, any other questions? Okay, thanks. We'll invite up our first speaker. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, August 31, 2016 Page 11 of 58 <br />