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PC 062216
City of Pleasanton
PC 062216
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all sources." That does not exclude human voices. That includes human voices. People <br />do not filter out voice frequencies. In fact, it's exactly the opposite. Our hearing is <br />centered on a frequency band. We don't hear low noises, dog whistles. The frequencies <br />we hear best are vocal frequencies. We're designed to hear voices. In fact, because <br />hearing other people speak in an unwanted manner is so annoying, many noise <br />ordinances include a 5dB penalty for noise ordinances. In other words, the limit for <br />noise from voices is lower than from other noises. <br />Finally, staff has stated that Danville, Dublin, Livermore and San Ramon "do not <br />specifically regulate what the dB limit unamplified human voices." Well, guess what, <br />those ordinances don't have any dB limits. They only have qualitative things to decide <br />what a noise nuisance is. So again, it's not necessarily tied to a decibel level. It can be <br />tied to disruption; in this case, the noise you've heard about from the Millers is very <br />disruptive to them in the life that they have enjoyed for so many years before the parties <br />began and they're simply asking you to take that into account in your positions. Thank <br />you very much. <br />Yinghai Lu: Hi folks. I live on Sequoia Court and its kind of right across the road from <br />the Masons' structure. Basically I can see their backyard and the structure with no <br />buffer. I'm here to just say that I'm very concerned about the recommendation that they <br />are allowing outdoor activities. I'm very concerned about the noise level because as far <br />as I know, there's no way to control or no regulation of human voices. I've lived in our <br />community for about three years in a very quiet neighborhood and the one day that <br />somebody has like six people in the backyard and has a party, you notice it. It's not very <br />disturbing but you notice that because it's not quiet. So my point is if you have not 6 <br />people but 100 people in the backyard partying, just the voices would destroy you. <br />Maybe we live far enough that we would be disturbed less, but for the Millers I think <br />that's detrimental and I really hope you guys can reconsider the outdoor activity <br />regulation. That's all. <br />Mingying Fan: Thank you Commissioners. I just wanted to share some points from the <br />perspective of an expectant mother. Yinghai and I are expecting our first baby this <br />August and we're both full -time employees so we can imagine that probably the most <br />time we spend with our kids will be during the weekends and as I am expecting I always <br />imagine that during the weekend I can play with my baby and maybe singing a lullaby to <br />him and him gradually falling asleep, but with this project going on with all of these <br />events around our house, I don't know how this picture is going to look like. So noise is <br />definitely a key concern for us and I definitely agree with Greg that I'm not an acoustic <br />expert but I know noises don't only come from music. It also includes human voices and <br />what if some people start to play something not musical at all? For example, if <br />someone plays the drums, is that allowed outdoors? I mean, by nature, you just cannot <br />control the sound of a party. It's just the nature of the party, and the other point is I don't <br />know if you use an app called NextDoor. It's a community app and people share <br />information with the community. I think there's one item under each person's profile <br />which is called, "Why do you choose to live in this community ?" I found that most <br />people who live in Valley Trail put "quiet" and "peaceful" for their reason to live in this <br />community. So the reason we're here today is that we don't want to lose the reason why <br />we live in Valley Trail and we want our kid to grow in a healthy and quiet environment. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 22, 2016 Page 19 of 56 <br />
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