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PC 062216
City of Pleasanton
PC 062216
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8/11/2017 2:44:44 PM
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8/11/2017 2:33:30 PM
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Usha Gurazada: Good evening and thank you so much for listening to us. My name is <br />Usha Gurazada and I am my husband Shama moved in here about 10 years ago and <br />our property backs into the Masons property right next to the Millers. From everything <br />that you guys just heard, all I want to say is we're a family. We work full -time. We have <br />seniors in our home. We have young children in our home and what we love about <br />Pleasanton is the environment, and this is clearly disrupting the environment that we <br />chose the City for. So I think it is the responsibility of the City to adhere to the restriction <br />of keeping these parties indoors and not letting it disturb what we want to do in our <br />home and in our living space. I am totally with the Millers with the fact that these <br />parties —the recommendations that the City is making is legalizing what they're doing <br />outdoors and that's clearly not what we want and we're in fact hoping and expecting that <br />you will listen to our voices. Thank you so much. <br />Steven Deselms: Hello. I'm not very good at talking. I've been a resident since 1971. I'm <br />an original owner. I grew up on the corner from the Millers and I don't think that you <br />should permit the staff to pass their agenda. I think number one would be the best bet. <br />I'm really appalled that the staff for the fact that they had a problem since 2009 and they <br />can't fix the problem. That's all I want to say. <br />Lori Dillon: I live on Sequoia Court and I just want to say that I'm hoping that there are <br />no outside parties and hoping that everyone stays inside. The meetings can stay inside. <br />It's the parties. There's usually going to be alcohol involved and you know, bars, <br />restaurants, it's always escalated with alcohol and that's all I have to say. Thanks. <br />Jeff Renholts: Good evening Commissioners. My name is Jeff Renholts. I live on Astor <br />Court and as a point of reference my dining room looks out on the 50 yard line of <br />Foothill High School. I do understand noise. I invite you to the annual Foothill and <br />Amador Valley football games and I'll leave it at that. I just want to say the Board of <br />Directors has been engaged in negotiations regarding the sale of the building and we <br />have been in contact with the City trying to reach some sort of an agreement here. We <br />sought to postpone this hearing one month to July 27th just so we would be prepared to <br />review all items in the agenda packet. The Millers have been granted numerous and <br />extended postponements. This hearing, as you heard, was supposed to be taken in <br />January of 2015 and we're just seeking a one month delay to prepare for allegations <br />which have been made but not conveyed to us except through this packet that we were <br />able to download just this past week. We will object to the adoption of any of the <br />conditions that are in Exhibit 1. That is based on the letter from our attorney and Board <br />at that time which does not represent the current board insomuch as the Millers have <br />continually refused to accept any of the self- imposed conditions that the Board at that <br />time proposed. The City has pointed out, through a number of letters attached to the <br />agenda item that the lodge is not in violation of the existing CUP. We therefore are <br />willing to accept that opinion and we will be willing to negotiate with the Millers moving <br />forward. We do not understand though why the property is from both Pleasanton's <br />Masonic Center and St. Claire's Church are zoned RM -2,500 when the existing uses <br />have been in place for more than 35 years and as much as the church is running a <br />daycare and hosting multiple indoor and outdoor events during the course of any given <br />week, far more than the lodge is or ever has done, we believe that both properties <br />should be zoned in a manner appropriate for their current uses. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 22, 2016 Page 20 of 56 <br />
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