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PC 062216
City of Pleasanton
PC 062216
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both the IRS and the Secretary of State to prove that those two things were lost and that <br />document was not included in your packet. So who is profiting from all of the money <br />from the outside parties? It's a private company and make no mistake about it that the <br />health of our neighbors' neighborhood is not at stake here. It's the pockets of a private <br />enterprise. What we want is the City to enforce and stop the Masonic use of the <br />backyard. <br />In conclusion, put yourself in our shoes please. You now have these commercial parties <br />on the other side of your fence. Would you want this? Do you think this should be <br />happening in a residential neighborhood? Just look into your heart and vote your <br />conscience. We hope that you help the City get back on track so that we can all be <br />proud of what it says on the side of our police cars which is, 'Pleasanton, a City of <br />Character.' <br />Derek Watry: I am CEO and principal of Wilson Ihrig, an acoustical consulting firm in the <br />Bay Area. I've been there for 24 years. First, I would remind you of a couple of <br />definitions that are fundamental here. Sound is simply the propagation of pressure <br />waves through the air. Noise is simply unwanted sound. There's all there is to it. <br />Regarding regulation of noise, every City is required to have a noise ordinance and <br />Pleasanton of course has one. There's a wide misconception that all it does is limit loud <br />noises, that there's a decibel reading and a limit that you can't go over, and if you don't <br />you're not in violation of the noise ordinance. That is simply not true. Noise ordinances <br />also address noises that are disruptive, whether or not they are particularly loud or not. <br />I'll give you a good example of that. This is a pretty stayed meeting. People are <br />behaving well, but I've been at meetings where people weren't behaving well. There <br />was a lot of murmuring and talking in the backyard, with a lot of background noise. <br />Commissioners get angry, Commissioners get irritated, they get upset and that's the <br />reaction that people have to noise. That's the reaction that you get when you hear <br />clearly with Darlene Miller's voice. When they're trying to have a party and the Masons <br />are posting a party, they get upset. That's their reaction. So noise is not just about <br />levels. <br />The proposed changes in the CUP here tonight would introduce as you know, new <br />noise in an area that's been peaceful and quiet, the peace and quiet of which in the <br />1977 Planning Commission intended to protect as evidence by their staff report which <br />states in part, "It would be possible to design the structure so as to minimize any noise <br />generated from within. This could be done by prohibiting opening to the north and west <br />sides of the structure and therefore, activity would be focused away from the northern <br />residences." Let's tie this back to the Pleasanton noise ordinance. The declaration of <br />policy, the first line says, "It is declared to be the policy of the City that the peace, <br />health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City require protection from excessive, <br />unnecessary and unreasonable noises from any and all sources in the community." <br />Noise from backyard activities, especially commercial activities in residential zone is <br />excessive, unnecessary and unreasonable. If the City of Pleasanton stands behind this <br />noise ordinance and if this Planning Commission stands behind the past actions, the <br />CUP being considered tonight should not give the Masons the ability to hold large, <br />disruptive parties on a regular basis in a residential neighborhood. I want to address <br />quickly the idea that voices are exempt from the noise ordinance which has been <br />brought up several times in this process, which going back to the policy it says "any and <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 22, 2016 Page 18 of 56 <br />
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