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homes are their largest retirement investment, and to have to disclose a 12- children <br />daycare next -door or across the street when they sell their home is certainly going to <br />decrease the value of the sale of those homes. She added that it is particularly <br />disturbing that someone renting a property can come and decrease the value of homes <br />that neighbors have lived in for 20 years and for which they have worked hard and paid. <br />She indicated that as a property owner, she feels that their needs are reasonable and <br />should be met by the Planning Commission. She noted that they are paying the <br />property taxes that keep Pleasanton beautiful, that have created and maintained their <br />neighborhood in a beautiful and appealing way, and that it is disconcerting when people <br />who do not have ownership in the property have more rights than the people who have <br />been long- established in the area and have been dutifully paying their property taxes. <br />Ms. Kramer stated that she is having trouble understanding the logic of allowing the <br />daycare to expand if none of the property owners are in favor of increasing the size of <br />the daycare, and if the original City evaluation itself stated not to permit the large <br />daycare. She noted that a fair compromise at best to appease the homeowners and the <br />applicants is to keep it as a small family daycare: the applicants get a daycare with their <br />seven children, and the neighbors at least get half the noise and disturbance that it is <br />causing. <br />Commissioner O'Connor asked Ms. Kramer if she was implying that there is noise <br />coming from car doors slamming at 6:00 in the morning. <br />Ms. Kramer replied that her conference calls to the East Coast usually occur from <br />6:00 through 11:00 in the morning. She stated that she does not hear car doors <br />slamming at 6:00 a.m., but she does hear them by the time she is on her 8:00 a.m. <br />conference calls. <br />Mr. Alioto stated that he would like to address a couple of things: <br />The most important thing is that he heard a couple of people say they like <br />daycare and do not have a problem with that. He noted that this is exactly why <br />the State of California has chosen to protect family daycares because this is <br />something that everybody thinks is necessary and needs but nobody wants in <br />their backyard. <br />They understand that parking their cars across the street from Northwood Court <br />creates problems for the residents of the Court, and they politely have backed <br />their cars off. He noted, however, that these are publicly open parking spots <br />which other people also use, such as the neighbors' friends who come over, so <br />he does not understand why all of a sudden it is not acceptable for them to use <br />the public parking spaces but it is acceptable for the neighbors to use them. He <br />indicated that there are lots of cars parked up and down Muirwood Drive on the <br />edge of the other courts, and none of the other neighbors are complaining about <br />that. He noted that this is one of those small minor things that the neighbors can <br />put their little hook into and say they do not want them parking there because it is <br />the daycare; however, the truth is they, as owners of the daycare, are not doing <br />anything different than what anyone else in the neighborhood is doing. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, October 14, 2015 Page 28 of 35 <br />