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PC 101415
City of Pleasanton
PC 101415
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currently have seven children at the home, so that would either double the amount of <br />time the children are in the yard playing or it would double the noise level while they are <br />playing, and either scenario would not really be conducive and would have a large <br />impact on them. <br />Mr. Sobrero stated that another thing he is concerned about is if he decides to sell his <br />house, he will have to put on his disclosure statement that there is a large daycare <br />next -door, which will impact the marketability of his house. He pointed out that the <br />petition was signed by almost every neighbor in the area who may be indirectly <br />impacted by the traffic and the nuisance created by the daycare home. He questioned <br />whether there would be an additional full -time teacher there with the expansion to a <br />large daycare. He also questioned the intent of the garage and noted that during the <br />process when the daycare was first started, the intent came out that the garage was <br />going to be used as part of the daycare, and, therefore, no cars were going to be parked <br />there. He added that there generally is one car parked in the driveway and three cars <br />parked across the street from their house. <br />Robin Neal stated that she has lived in the area for 33 years and is five houses away <br />from the applicant's residence. She indicated that she and her husband are both <br />retired, and they can hear the children at play. She noted that while it is a nice to hear <br />them playing, children screaming is not something they, as retirees, want to hear all <br />day. <br />Ms. Neal stated that traffic on Muirwood Drive is also dangerous. She indicated that <br />she is aware the children are not crossing the street, but noted that last year, a young <br />driver coming down the street ran into the back of a car parked in front of the applicant's <br />house and in front of the Sobreros' home, totaling the car. She stated that she is fine <br />with having daycare around, but making it a large daycare is not acceptable in their <br />neighborhood. <br />Bonnie Kramer stated that there are a couple of things she wanted to address after <br />hearing everyone speak. She noted that Mr. Alioto had indicated that there was no <br />hazard with the current way the cars are being parked, but she would like to argue that <br />point because she believes there is a traffic hazard with the cars they have parked <br />across the street from the house as they block the view coming out of Arrowwood Court, <br />and drivers cannot see down the street. She stated that she has made three phone <br />calls to Mr. Weinstein because she and her neighbors could not get out of the court. <br />She noted that she has to be probably a good three - fourths outside the court before she <br />can see around the applicants' cars. She indicated that she was counting on the fact <br />that the garage would be used for parking so that two of those cars would now be in the <br />garage and the employees' cars can be parked on the driveway. <br />Ms. Kramer stated that the other thing she just wanted to address is Mr. Alioto's <br />statement that there were two groups of people directly or indirectly affected by the <br />noise. She indicated that they live across the street and can also hear the noise when <br />their windows are open. She stated that she works from home and has conference <br />calls at 6:00 a.m. with East Coast people, and she has to shut her windows so car door <br />slamming and similar things do not disrupt the call. She emphasized Mr. Sobrero's <br />point regarding property values, noting that for the vast majority of the neighbors, their <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, October 14, 2015 Page 27 of 35 <br />
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