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Chair Allen asked if it would be possible for the teacher to park behind the spot in the <br />garage where he would be parking so that she could be asked to move her car if <br />necessary. <br />Mr. Alioto replied that there are five parking spots specifically designated for the <br />daycare. He noted that that is plenty of parking for a large family daycare because of <br />the staggered drop -off and pick -up times. He indicated that he understands the need to <br />make sure that the daycare is not taking up spots in the neighborhood; however, there <br />is plenty of parking available for the neighbors during the day when the parents come <br />and go, even with his car parked there. He stated that the daycare is not causing any <br />sort of traffic hazard or impacting parking availability with the current configuration. <br />Commissioner Piper noted that the daycare is expanding so the impact is not really <br />known at this time. <br />Mr. Alioto replied that he actually knows because they have done large family daycare <br />homes at other places. He indicated that there will be two or three more cars, or four at <br />the most, resulting from the expansion from a small family daycare to a large family <br />daycare. He added that he thinks it is not that big of an impact. <br />Commissioner Balch asked Mr. Alioto to describe the drop -off process and how long it <br />takes. <br />Mr. Alioto replied that they ask the parents to minimize the drop -off time to about five <br />minutes: they come in, they sign -in their child, and then hand them in to one of the <br />teachers to acknowledge that the child is now in the care of the home. He added that <br />the parents might have some discourse with the teacher regarding any of the child's <br />activities or anything about the child, and then they leave. <br />Commissioner Balch inquired if staggered drop -off's and pick -up's could be <br />accommodated if they were made part of the Conditions of Approval. <br />Mr. Alioto replied they happen naturally; parents do not coordinate when they drop -off <br />their children; they just come at any time, and they are there for a short period of time. <br />He noted that there will be cars coming and going for a short amount of time, and then it <br />is all over. <br />Jerry Sobrero, Appellant, stated that he is appealing this approval because the original <br />recommendation for the large family daycare was for denial. He noted that the staff <br />report states that, based on the best -case scenario about the parking, there would be <br />three sets of siblings currently at the daycare center, with one parent dropping off <br />multiple children. He stated that if that should change, traffic and parking could <br />substantially be impacted by having 12 parents, as opposed to six or seven parents, <br />dropping off their children. <br />With respect to the noise impact, Mr. Sobrero stated that he is recently retired, and the <br />noise impact for him and his wife is pretty substantial because they stay home all day. <br />He added that the noise impact to the neighbors on the other side is very substantial as <br />well, as he is an airline pilot and sleeps during the day when he can. He noted that they <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, October 14, 2015 Page 26 of 35 <br />