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the daycare. He stated that he could see forcing them to park two cars in the garage as <br />an issue if there were not adequate parking in the area, but that does not seem to apply <br />in this case, particularly since staff has already looked at the parking situation and <br />determined there is adequate parking. <br />Commissioner Balch stated that he can actually see parking two cars in the garage as a <br />requirement. He noted that the difference is that the small family daycare has six <br />children, and going to a large family daycare would require more parking. He asked <br />Mr. Alioto if he agreed. <br />Mr. Alioto said yes. <br />Commissioner Nagler asked Mr. Alioto if he worked at the home. <br />Mr. Alioto said no. <br />Commissioner Nagler asked what time he goes to work. <br />Mr. Alioto replied that he is currently not working; that he stays home. <br />Commissioner Nagler asked how many cars the tenants use during the day <br />Mr. Alioto replied that they own three cars and two of them are being used during the <br />day <br />Commissioner O'Connor asked Mr. Alioto if what he is saying is that he wants to have <br />the flexibility to come and go without being impeded by a parent who might be in the <br />driveway. <br />Mr. Alioto replied that was correct. <br />Commissioner O'Connor asked Mr. Alioto to confirm that there is another teacher <br />working with his wife at the daycare. <br />Mr. Alioto said yes. <br />Commissioner O'Connor asked Mr. Alioto, if it were a requirement to park two cars in <br />the garage, and he personally did not want to be blocked in, if it would be typical for the <br />teacher to park her car in the garage, assuming the teacher would be at the home <br />before the children arrived. <br />Mr. Alioto replied that the teacher is not always at the home before the children arrive as <br />she starts a little bit later; his wife opens the facility. He indicated that having the <br />teacher park in the garage would depend on the day and is not something that is set in <br />stone. He stated that he could not answer the question as it could sometimes be <br />possible for her to park in the garage but could be difficult at other times. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, October 14, 2015 Page 25 of 35 <br />