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Community Development Director." She stated that the applicant is following the <br />language of the condition, however, staffs intent was to actually require two cars of the <br />occupants of the house to be parked in the garage to free up space in the driveway and <br />on the street. She indicated that if this is something the Commission is interested in <br />clarifying that or if the Commission is fine with having just one car parked in the garage, <br />the Commission can discuss that after the public comment period. <br />Commissioner Piper commented that she felt that was staff's intent when she read it. <br />Ms. Harryman replied that she did not write the condition but that she is seeing nods <br />from Planning staff that that was the intent. <br />Commissioner Piper asked Mr. Alioto if he can park two cars in the garage if the <br />Commission approves the application with the condition requiring them to do that. <br />Mr. Alioto said yes. He stated, however, that the point is that there are lots of parking <br />spaces available for public parking in front of the house that are not part of the plan and <br />have nothing to do with this application. He indicated that he can personally choose <br />where to park his car because it is convenient for him as a resident of the home to be <br />able to take his children to school or to work in the morning without having to try to get <br />through or wait for parents to drop off their children. He reiterated that there is no <br />parking problem in the neighborhood with parking, that there is plenty of on- street <br />parking available in the house, and they are doing as a facility is trying to leave the five <br />parking spots that they have included in the plan available for the parents to use when <br />they drop -off or pick -up their children. He pointed out that staff even mentioned in the <br />staff report that they came back during high traffic time or high school times to look at <br />the parking issue and had determined that there is plenty of parking available for the <br />parents to be there. He noted that he understood the reason why the Commission <br />would ask them to park in the garage, but he did not think forcing them to not use a <br />parking spot in front of the home they live in is necessarily appropriate. He added that <br />residents are free to choose where they would like to park, including in front of their <br />homes, and he did not see why they should do any differently. <br />Commissioner Piper stated that she thinks the intent is that because of the neighbors' <br />complaints with the number of cars that will be coming for pick -up's and drop -off's, it <br />would lighten the load in front of the house if two cars were parked in the garage. <br />Mr. Alioto replied that he would totally understand that if there was an issue with the <br />amount of parking space available in front of other people's houses or if they were <br />obstructing other people's parking spaces, which is not the case. He mentioned once <br />again that there is plenty of parking available, and there does not seem to be any <br />impact to the neighbors at all where parents are coming and going. He noted that the <br />current situation or the status quo of where they are parking their cars right now and <br />have been for the last couple of months has not created a problem for any of the <br />neighbors, with the exception that the neighbors on Northwood Court had asked them to <br />park farther away from the intersection so that they could see on- coming traffic more <br />easily, to which they totally complied and are happy to do so. He reiterated that they <br />are willing to work with the neighbors to make sure everybody is comfortable, happy, <br />and safe, and the neighbors can come talk to them anytime they have a problem with <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, October 14, 2015 Page 24 of 35 <br />