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Commissioner O'Connor noted that the Commission will not be answering questions <br />raised by the audience tonight and that those questions will be answered in a Response <br />to Comments document. <br />Chair Allen added that the City is required to provide responses to the questions as well <br />as relevant information regarding the Draft Supplemental EIR in the Final EIR <br />document. <br />Commissioner O'Connor noted that over the last couple of months, there has been <br />some activity out in this area and asked staff to comment on it. <br />Mr. Luchini replied that roughly a year ago, staff issued a demolition permit for the <br />Clorox buildings that Mr. Rosenbaum referenced in his presentation, and the <br />construction activity in the area is related to that. He added that Mr. Rosenbaum could <br />provide more details if the Commission desired. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired if those piles that look like dirt are actually the debris <br />from the demolition. <br />Mr. Luchini said yes <br />Commissioner Ritter stated that a comment was made about the industrial use <br />changing with the development and asked staff to elaborate on that. <br />Mr. Luchini stated that Appendix B of the Draft Supplemental EIR is the proposed list of <br />permitted and conditionally permitted uses. He indicated that it does make reference to <br />existing uses being able to remain operating as they currently do today... <br />Commissioner O'Connor noted, for clarification, that existing uses can remain but as <br />non - conforming uses, and that those uses will not be allowed in the future. <br />Mr. Weinstein said yes. He explained that FedEx, as well as any of the other uses on <br />the site, can remain and operate as long as they want to; however, FedEx cannot <br />expand, and if FedEx goes away, no other industrial use will be allowed to relocate on <br />its site. He noted that this is one of the nuances of permitted and conditionally <br />permitted on this site that can be looked at as part of the Response to Comments <br />document. <br />Commissioner O'Connor noted that those existing businesses will not be able to expand <br />and inquired if the Draft Supplemental EIR looks at that from an economic viewpoint. <br />Mr. Weinstein explained that the fiscal analysis primarily looks at the fiscal impacts of <br />different development scenarios on this site, including existing additions as well as the <br />different variations of the proposed project. He stated that the focus is mainly on how <br />much it will cost the City and how much revenue the City will get from additional uses <br />that could be developed on the site. He added that the replacement of industrial uses of <br />FedEx with a retail use or big box retail use would generally have a net positive effect <br />on City revenue. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 23, 2015 Page 7 of 19 <br />