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Commissioner O'Connor inquired if those concerns would most likely be discussed at <br />the point when the Commission gets to what it would like to propose as permitted or <br />conditionally permitted uses. <br />Mr. Weinstein said yes. He added that it would be a question that could be discussed <br />when the Commission looks at the project itself. <br />Commissioner Ritter noted that all of this development is still based on Caltrans' <br />approval, if these exit on -ramps are set right. He inquired how difficult that process is <br />and what that takes. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired if staff expects any assistance from Caltrans to give <br />the development funding improvements. <br />Mr. Weinstein replied that the issue here is that the mitigation measures for many of the <br />traffic improvements in the Draft Supplemental EIR are not under the control of the City <br />but under Caltrans'. He indicated that because they are under the control of a different <br />agency, the City cannot guarantee them, and that is the reason why a lot of the traffic <br />impacts are significant and unavoidable. He noted that the City has a good working <br />relationship with Caltrans, and staff is planning to leverage that relationship to allow <br />these improvements if the project were approved to be implemented in a timely manner. <br />He added that the City has had success with working with Caltrans in the past and is <br />confident that staff can work with Caltrans on the future on these improvements. <br />With respect to the terms of the funding variable and who funds what, Mr. Weinstein <br />stated that that is not a huge factor in Caltrans' approval or non - approval of the <br />improvements. He added that the main concern is whether Caltrans has sufficient <br />money to actually do the improvements. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired if some of the funding would come from the <br />development or it would only be State money that would go into those improvements <br />since it is under Caltrans' purview. <br />Mr. Weinstein replied that there will probably be a mix of funding sources with some <br />coming from the property owners within the Johnson Drive EDZ and some from the City. <br />He added that the composition of contributions to the improvements is still being worked <br />out. <br />Chair Allen requested clarification, that none of the economics presented assume any <br />City contributions at this stage. <br />Mr. Beaudin replied that the idea of creating multiple funding sources for the project is <br />still being discussed; the City could participate but it would be a decision that would <br />come with the application. He noted that it would ultimately be a City Council decision. <br />Chair Allen requested further clarification that it is not built into the fiscal analysis. <br />Mr. Beaudin replied that was correct. He explained that the fiscal analysis for this <br />project is separate from the mitigation costs and how they are going to be funded. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 23, 2015 Page 8 of 19 <br />