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PC 092315
City of Pleasanton
PC 092315
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3. The Draft Supplemental EIR fails to examine realistic existing zoning and no <br />project alternatives. These alternatives assume site development for primarily <br />office uses. However, the zoning allows mostly industrial R &D uses that would <br />cause less traffic than the proposed project. The Draft Supplemental EIR fails to <br />examine the full environmental consequences of changing the zoning to allow <br />club retail without further discretionary approval and, therefore, without further <br />environmental review. <br />4. The document fails to properly evaluate the noise impact on existing uses and <br />the increased traffic. The analysis assumes statistics of 100 feet from traffic <br />sources. The Fed Ex building is actually 35 feet from the sources, and the noise <br />analysis must consider that potential impact. <br />Mr. Giffin stated that they do not see a path forward other than revising and <br />re- circulating the Draft Supplemental EIR. He requested a meeting with City staff and <br />decision - makers, prior to submitting their final written comments, to discuss the design <br />review standards along with the impact fees that were presented in the Draft <br />Supplemental EIR. <br />Pat O'Brien, Chief Financial Officer of Leisure Sports, the owner of Club Sports at <br />7090 Johnson Drive, complimented the City on a very creative approach to looking at <br />the redevelopment and economic development in North Pleasanton. He stated that he <br />believed this is good for everyone, and applauded staff and the various consultants for <br />the lengthy Draft Supplemental EIR document. <br />Mr. O'Brien expressed concern that improvements to Johnson Drive are limited to just <br />the very early 700 feet off of Stoneridge Drive and a couple of left -turn lanes, and he <br />would like to ensure that this is addressed consistently as various alternatives are <br />looked at. He indicated that the reality is that there will be a lot of re- directed traffic <br />once the potential development happens, such that Johnson Drive will start to have a <br />higher volume of traffic coming from the Home Depot area and around past the hotel, <br />past Club Sport, and past Commerce Circle. <br />Ann Pfaff -Doss stated that in the past few years, the City of Pleasanton created a <br />beautiful park in the Val Vista Community Park, which will be impacted by increased <br />traffic. She indicated that this is a well -used community park that was partially funded <br />by the soccer leagues and which is very heavily used by them. She noted that the <br />bottleneck that will be created by the proposed development will be a nightmare for a lot <br />of people: not only the people who live in the area, not only the people who have <br />businesses in the area, but also people who come to Pleasanton for soccer and <br />programs, and the Pleasanton residents around town who are involved with it. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Chair Allen advised that the primary goal of the Commission's discussion tonight is to <br />identify areas of the Draft Supplemental EIR where the Commission would like to see <br />additional information in the Final EIR. She added that the Commissioners may also <br />provide their perspective on the merits of any one of the alternatives at this stage. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 23, 2015 Page 6 of 19 <br />
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