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Chair Allen questioned if the operational cost assumptions for this project have been <br />scrutinized. She noted that she just could not believe that with the amount of trucks and <br />semi - trucks traffic, road maintenance was projected to cost somewhere between <br />$30,000 and $40,000 a year on operational costs for the full buildout. She indicated <br />that she felt the amount was really low for a program like this, and she was not sure <br />how all the staff time required for planning and working with Caltrans and in every single <br />one of the mitigations in the plan is captured in the costs. She asked staff to comment <br />on the matter. <br />Mr. Weinstein replied that he is not certain about the answer to that specific question. <br />He noted that there are lots of data in the fiscal analysis, including some analysis of <br />staff costs, and that staff would look into that and come back with more detail. <br />Chair Allen inquired how many semi - trucks per day a big -box retailer such as Costco <br />would have. <br />Mr. Weinstein replied that he did not have an answer to that readily available, but he is <br />thinking that roughly, maybe two to three per day. He indicated that staff can get some <br />hard data on that for the Response to Comments document. <br />Commissioner Nagler addressed a larger economic issue of a project like this and <br />inquired, if the City of Pleasanton is trying to answer for itself a question about building <br />a big -box center, how it would go about making a determination if the demand is here to <br />make it a successful development, or if that question is left up to the applicant and the <br />City just takes the applicant's word for that use of the land. He further inquired how the <br />determination and the choices are made that the economic mix of this project is better <br />served from a variety of factors, such as demand, impact on other businesses in town, <br />and traffic flows, and that it is better served to be a larger retailer or a center with <br />smaller retail like such as the Pacific Center. <br />Mr. Beaudin replied that this question comes down to land use. He stated that the City <br />Council asked staff to look at this particular area of the City and gave direction based on <br />some project objectives which included creating an array of land uses and opportunities <br />for different kinds of uses to come into this area. He noted that the City also obviously <br />has General Plan goals; it has an Economic Development staff that actually looks at <br />what the opportunities are to diversify the land use mix in the community; and there is <br />the fiscal impact analysis that supports that direction from a land use perspective. He <br />added that the staff has likewise heard interest from a variety of types of businesses. <br />He indicated that all those factors have come together and coalesced around a zoning <br />change that will provide a wider range of uses in town. <br />Commissioner Nagler inquired if, by the time a specific proposal for consideration is <br />arrived it, those analyses will have been conducted and conclusions will have reached a <br />recommendation. <br />Mr. Beaudin replied that the rezoning will come before the Commission with the Final <br />EIR. He stated that staff will be responsive to any additional questions and comments <br />that come tonight and through the comment period. He noted that some of these things <br />are choices to be made, for example, whether the warehouse use gets to be legal <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 23, 2015 Page 15 of 19 <br />