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non - conforming or becomes a permanent use in this area, and these are things that will <br />be further evaluated based on the compatibility issues, the fiscal analysis, and the <br />overall environmental analysis that is being done. <br />Commissioner O'Connor commented, for clarification, that the Commission will be <br />looking at proposals going forward, including zoning for specific uses, but will not get to <br />pick the tenant. <br />Commissioner Nagler clarified that the Commission gets to recommend approval or <br />denial. <br />Mr. Beaudin replied that was correct. He referred to the use tables attached to the <br />environmental document that include a wide range of uses and allow for permitted, <br />conditionally permitted, or not permitted uses. He reiterated Mr. Weinstein's earlier <br />statement that what is being considered with respect to the environmental analysis is a <br />reasonable worst -case analysis for environmental review purposes. <br />Commissioner O'Connor commented that it would be nice if the approved category or <br />zoning could state that the City would rather not have another such and such retailer in <br />town. <br />Mr. Beaudin explained that there will be a series of findings that go with an application, <br />and the Planning Commission's goal is to regulate the use and not the user. He stated <br />that tonight's purpose is to receive comments on what would be a zoning change, and <br />that would create a wide range of uses that could be permitted in this area, which would <br />be a more straight - forward process; or conditionally permitted, which would be a <br />process that would more likely involve a public hearing; or anything that required <br />modifications or deviations from the plan would be on a different path as well. <br />Commissioner Ritter reiterated his original request that the Economic Vitality Committee <br />provide some feedback and input and a recommendation to the Planning Commission <br />regarding what the City needs, as opposed to just getting what the City ends up with. <br />Commissioner Nagler agreed. He added that he would also like to get more detail <br />about the analysis that is going on in the background, as this project, however it ends <br />up being rezoned, does potentially impact the mix across the community, the types of <br />retailers, and the types of uses. <br />Chair Allen stated that in view of one of the goals of this project to set a model for what <br />an economic zone would look like, she would like to consider if there are other <br />economic zones within the City that might be looked at over the next 20 or 30 years, <br />because if there are others, the question then is whether there are certain uses that <br />would make more sense in one economic -zoned area of the City versus other areas. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired if there were any other potential locations within the <br />City that would be considered later as an economic development zone. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 23, 2015 Page 16 of 19 <br />