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PC 092315
City of Pleasanton
PC 092315
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Mr. Weinstein replied that the analysis does take into account the concept of leakage as <br />well as the reverse scenario of leakage: what the effects might be if people go to the <br />big -box retailer on the project site and buy their shampoo and supplies there instead of <br />at the local Lucky's or Raley's; or if they spend their dollars in the big -box retailer in <br />Pleasanton instead of traveling to the big -box retailer in San Ramon or Livermore. He <br />indicated that the overall belief in the firm that authored the fiscal analysis, which was <br />then reviewed by the City's Finance Department, was that leakage would not be <br />significant, that there would not be substantial impacts to local businesses from big -box <br />retailer within this project. <br />Chair Allen stated that the real answer to this concept of leakage is not clear in the <br />Appendices and requested that the Final EIR include a little section that talks in English <br />about the leakage analysis because this is really important. She noted that she was <br />involved ten years ago in considering a second Home Depot going into the City, and the <br />initial report looked at leakage in a very minimal way; and in the end, leakage ended up <br />being a huge issue with a potential impact of 20- to 25- percent. <br />Commissioner Nagler brought up the following scenario for staff clarification: If one of <br />the existing industrial users, for example, Fed Ex, decides to move out of that site five <br />years from now because it does not have enough room, as it is envisioned or as the <br />construct has been made to exclude the future expansion of industrial uses, and as <br />currently proposed, Fed Ex would not be able to sell that property to another industrial <br />user; so the market would then be limited to someone who wanted to come in and put <br />up a building or re -use the building for retail or hotel or something similar. <br />Mr. Beaudin explained that there are non - conforming use regulations that would provide <br />an opportunity to re -use the building or the space with a substantially similar use if that <br />were to occur within a reasonable amount of time. He indicated that if that did not <br />happen, the legal non - conforming status would then go away, and it would have to <br />conform to the current zoning. <br />Commissioner Nagler inquired if the draft of the zone is open to alteration. <br />Mr. Beaudin replied that it will be. He explained that the use table that is designed <br />currently to make these uses legal, non - conforming would be up for discussion through <br />the public hearing process before this Commission as well as the City Council. <br />Commissioner Ritter stated that he liked the idea of having a hotel in there. He <br />indicated that Pleasanton needs some hotels, based on his understanding from his <br />colleagues coming to town. <br />Commissioner Piper agreed. She noted that this project will obviously bring in a lot of <br />vitality, but she was concerned that it would take away some vitality as well from the <br />current occupants in there, and everyone currently occupying, owning, or renting a <br />business there would be immediately negatively impacted. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 23, 2015 Page 14 of 19 <br />
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