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difference in the amount of time. He noted that they get 20 seconds now and will <br />probably get 15 to 18 seconds in the future, so they will not see a significant difference, <br />although they will feel like it is longer because the light will take a little bit longer. He <br />indicated that one interesting modification that occurs is that with increased volume on <br />the north side of the intersection, he did not believe that the current operation where the <br />north side and the south side go at the same time would continue. He noted that there <br />is the odd occasion that when someone leaving the Val Visa area and makes the left <br />turn to go over the freeway, someone else going to get water or go into the park go <br />straight through; or someone actually leaving Val Vista and someone going to Club <br />Sport actually goes straight through to the southbound traffic. He stated that the intent <br />is to slip through that traffic so they do not all go at the same time. <br />Commissioner O'Connor referred to Mr. Tassano's statement that they will not see a <br />significant difference and asked if the congestion will remain. <br />Mr. Tassano replied that there will be more traffic, but the amount of time they get will <br />not change significantly because their volume does not change significantly. He <br />explained that if they now get 20 seconds for every single cycle, they will continue to get <br />20 seconds, but it may go 20 seconds at a 130 - second interval instead of a 120 - second <br />interval. <br />Commissioner Nagler referred to an earlier comment Mr. Tassano made suggesting <br />appropriately that when the time comes, this project will have a stand -alone set of <br />decisions and that the traffic improvements, to the extent that they are out of the City's <br />control, will occur or not. With a view of looking for direction on what to bring back at a <br />subsequent conversation, he inquired if it would be possible to provide more detail on <br />what the transportation alternatives are and what those funding sources may be, and to <br />the extent that one could find out the likelihood or even the potential timing of the <br />funding of those transportation improvements. He indicated that while it may be that the <br />City wants to consider this project as a stand -alone project, the timing of those <br />transportation improvements in fact being made could impact the Council's ultimate <br />decision about the timing of approval of the project. <br />Mr. Beaudin said yes. <br />Commissioner O'Connor noted that with regard to the noise analysis, people from the <br />neighborhood have commented tonight that they do not know if the Draft EIR took into <br />account that there was actually a residential community nearby. He asked staff if that <br />was taken into consideration. <br />Mr. Weinstein said yes. He indicated that the noise analysis looks extensively at areas <br />around the project site, including nearby residential neighborhoods, and identifies <br />sensitive receptors, the uses that are most sensitive to increased noise levels that <br />includes residential uses near the project site. He noted that the Draft EIR also looks at <br />noise generated on the site, for instance, from loading and unloading vehicles, as well <br />as potential noise increases generated by project - related traffic on roads that extend <br />outside the project site. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 23, 2015 Page 11 of 19 <br />