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City of Pleasanton
PC 092315
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the exception of the fact that Caltrans is not part of that funding solution. He added that <br />there are regional plans available, and this project was included in the City's most <br />recent submittal in July for regional potential funding, along with a number of other <br />projects, and this can get the City some regional funding, Measure B funding or <br />Measure BB funding. <br />Commissioner Nagler commented that the answer is that the City tried to put it on the <br />list but it does not really know whether funding is available. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that Matt Sullivan also sent a letter that questioned the <br />possibility of resuscitating the West Las Positas Boulevard interchange. He inquired if <br />there is any contemplation that this might come back at all. <br />Mr. Tassano replied that he thinks the West Las Positas Boulevard interchange would <br />relieve traffic on the Stoneridge Drive interchange. He indicated that he mentioned, <br />when the West Las Positas Boulevard interchange was taken out of the General Plan, <br />that if that interchange is not built, a lot of traffic has to go to either Stoneridge Drive or <br />Bernal Avenue. He noted that there has been an increase in traffic volume on <br />Stoneridge Drive. He indicated that at this point, he does not intend on bringing back <br />the West Las Positas Boulevard interchange, although it would be a benefit, unless <br />directed to do so. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired if this project is spurring that discussion. <br />Mr. Tassano replied that it is not included in any of staffs recommendations. <br />Chair Allen inquired what the order of magnitude of the cost would be for the freeway <br />interchange work. <br />Mr. Tassano replied that what he has seen of transportation improvements all together <br />amount to around $15 million. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired if that would include the turn lanes, the widening of <br />Johnson Drive, and all the other items. <br />Mr. Tassano replied that the widening of Johnson Drive all the way along the project <br />frontage would cost around $1 million and is included in the cost. <br />Commissioner Ritter stated that one of the speakers brought up the issue of recycled <br />water traffic and that he has seen traffic backing up on Fridays at the Stoneridge Drive <br />off - ramps. He noted that this would have to be accounted for if the drought continues, <br />in addition to this new development coming in. He added one other topic that the <br />Commission and staff have always talked about was stat times and carbon dioxide <br />emissions while waiting to make the turn. He inquired about counting relative to the <br />recycled water plant and how that time is adjusted to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. <br />Mr. Tassano replied that staff has had to adjust the signal timing for all the people that <br />are out at the recycled water plant. He indicated that there will be an adjustment in the <br />volumes and delays, but he cannot say whether or not there will be a significant <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 23, 2015 Page 10 of 19 <br />
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