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PC 072215
City of Pleasanton
PC 072215
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Mr. Weinstein replied that staff can continue exploring that and that he did discuss that <br />specific issue with Assistant City Manager Brian Dolan, who is managing this proposal. <br />He indicated that the direction staff will wind up going in is retaining the existing staff <br />recommendation, the intention behind which was to split the pain between the various <br />neighborhoods. He noted, however, that there are lots of options to balance and issues <br />that surround the Lund Ranch II project, and all of them have merit: some with more <br />environmental merit than others, while others might be more protective of the existing <br />neighborhoods. He pointed out that the Planning Commission, as an independent <br />body, should feel very free to explore and endorse any recommendation for the project <br />that it deems fit, which might also be completely different than staffs recommendation. <br />Commissioner Ritter stated that the City Council will be doing the same thing, and his <br />opinion is that this should just go straight to the City Council; he will state his opinion <br />then, and the net result would still be the same. He added that he would hate to see <br />City residents going through the whole thing before the Commission, and then do it <br />again for the City Council, when the Council has the ultimate vote anyway. <br />Mr. Weinstein explained that the application needs to go back to the Planning <br />Commission because of the 2 -2 split -vote, and there is no way to avoid having it come <br />back to the Commission. <br />Commissioner Nagler stated that one of the central items discussed at that Commission <br />hearing was if there were to be a road up the hillside to connect into the Sycamore <br />heights area, how might that road be constructed: retaining wall vs. no retaining wall; <br />thousands of cubic square feet removed vs. not thousands of cubic square feet <br />removed; and so forth. He indicated that it may be instructive if the Commission could <br />have a couple of alternative drawings, plans, and conceptual ideas about how a road <br />might connect between Lund Ranch II and Sycamore. He added that it may not <br />persuade anyone's vote but it could be informative if the Commission knew what kind of <br />retaining wall was required to minimize the amount of cubic feet of dirt that would need <br />to be moved. <br />Mr. Weinstein noted that it is a good point to get some images and at least some <br />conceptual plans for that roadway, and showing the extent of retaining walls and <br />grading and so forth might be helpful. He indicated that staff can try to work with the <br />applicant's team on that. He noted, however, that, as can be imagined, the applicants <br />are a little reluctant to do a lot of design work for that road since that is not the option <br />that they are endorsing. <br />Chair Allen noted that at the last meeting, she asked a very specific question regarding <br />whether there be access from Sunset Creek Way to the Lund Ranch site that did not <br />exceed 25 percent, and the answer was no. She indicated that what she really should <br />have asked and intended to ask was if there was any possibility of access anywhere <br />from the Sycamore Sunset Creek general vicinity into Lund Ranch that would not <br />exceed 25 percent. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, July 22, 2015 Page 13 of 15 <br />
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