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Mr. Weinstein replied that staff can bring some answers back regarding that as well. <br />b. Actions of the City Council <br />Mr. Weinstein stated that at yesterday's City Council meeting, the Council approved a <br />Youth Commission recommendation that would ban smoking in City parks and public <br />trails. He noted that the Youth Commission did a really fantastic job with the <br />presentation. <br />Commissioner Balch stated that smoking at the golf courses is still permitted. <br />Mr. Weinstein confirmed that smoking cigarettes at the golf course is still allowed. <br />c. Actions of the Zoning Administrator <br />No discussion was held or action taken. <br />d. Matters for Commission's Information <br />Leaaue of California Cities Conference <br />Chair Allen stated that she received a brochure on this year's conference sponsored by <br />the League of California Cities at the San Jose Convention Center. She indicated that <br />she attended last year and heard from experts in the field on matters such as housing <br />element strategy, water use strategy, building design, and other areas of interest. She <br />noted that it was also an opportunity to network and asked the Commissioners to check <br />it out and see if this is something they would be interested in. She added that the City <br />will cover registration, meals, and mileage reimbursement. She asked staff to provide <br />the Commissioners with copies of the brochure. <br />Mr. Weinstein stated that the League of California Cities is an awesome organization <br />and encouraged the Commissioners to attend the conference. <br />American Plannina Association California Chanter Conference <br />Mr. Weinstein stated that the American Planning Association (APA), which is sort of the <br />pre- eminent Planning association in the United States, is also having its conference in <br />Oakland this October and is something the Commission is also encouraged to attend. <br />He indicated that it is a good opportunity to see what is happening in the State, as well <br />as best practices and how other cities are dealing with some of the problems <br />Pleasanton is dealing with in terms of affordable housing, urban design, transportation. <br />Chair Allen requested staff to send out a memo to the Commission confirming that <br />conference fees would be refunded and if there is a minimum amount of time the <br />Commission would be expected to attend in order to get reimbursement. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, July 22, 2015 Page 14 of 15 <br />