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Mr. Tassano stated that the trip generation is pretty straight forward. He explained that <br />the general rule -of -thumb is ten trips per vehicle, and the study used a calculation for <br />the standard rule -of -thumb which works into 11 trips per home for a single day: the <br />daily trip figure of 550 would be split with the ten homes on that north side totaling <br />110 trips, and the remaining 40 homes going the other way would total 440 trips. <br />Commissioner Balch asked staff to display the slide on the Scenario 3 traffic where the <br />road connected. <br />Chair Allen stated that at the meeting where the Commission was reviewing the EIR, <br />staff had indicated that traffic would be greater without a cul -de -sac in that area <br />because the assumption was people would be going both ways and there might be <br />commuters outside of the project area that would be using this route. She asked <br />Mr. Tassano if she was reading this correctly. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 24, 2015 Page 10 of 54 <br />