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Visual impacts of the potential Sunset Creek connection. Staff provided some visual <br />simulations in the staff report demonstrating these visual impacts. <br />Analysis methodologies. A Commissioner basically asked staff to do a survey of how <br />other communities tackle these issues. Staff researched what relevant and nearby <br />communities do and did not find an absolute pattern; each community seems to treat it <br />slightly differently. Documentation of that research is provided in the staff report. <br />Water supply. This issue, which was obviously a big part of the dialogue in the <br />discussion on the East Pleasanton Specific Plan (EPSP) where there is no General <br />Plan designation that allows the uses being proposed; the designation for Lund Ranch <br />site does. In the EPSP discussion, there were choices of whether land was going to be <br />annexed to the City; Land Ranch is already in the City. The EPSP proposal was to <br />change what zoning that did exist in the City from Industrial to Residential; Lund Ranch <br />already has zoning for residential development. The circumstances are not identical. <br />An attachment to the staff report is a memo provided by Acting City Attorney Julie <br />Harryman which addresses the question of whether or not the City has the ability to say <br />no to this development based on water. <br />Staff Recommendation <br />Mr. Dolan stated that staff is recommending that the Commission take all the actions <br />necessary to approve the project, which would require certifying the Final EIR, <br />approving the PUD, approving the Development Agreement, approving the PUD <br />Development Plan subject to the recommended Conditions of Approval and staffs <br />memo on some minor revisions: minor adjustments to the setbacks discussed with the <br />applicant very recently, and some additional conditions requested by Planning <br />Commissioners to tighten things up, including a condition that is currently being required <br />of all existing construction projects that if the drought it still going on when this project is <br />built, recycled water must be used for dust control. He added that staff is <br />recommending that the project be amended to reflect Option 3 in the staff report: that <br />the project be re- designed to create a cul -de -sac serving ten homes off of Lund Ranch <br />Road or some number that the Commission might want to consider other than ten; the <br />Middleton Place residents would continue to use the access that they currently have; <br />and the remaining project homes would be accessed from a new project roadway that <br />would have to cross the creek, out across the hill, and connect to Sunset Creek Lane. <br />He noted that the implications of that would obviously be the assumption that a road can <br />do that and do it within the rules of Measure PP, and staff is suggesting that the <br />Commission has the ability to conclude that it can, but that the traffic essentially be split <br />as proposed. He further noted that staff's recommendation is the best way to balance <br />all of the concerns raised by City policies, the previous discussions amongst the City's <br />decision - makers, and the input of the community. <br />Commissioner Balch inquired what the traffic impact would be on the split 10/40 that <br />staff is proposing. <br />Mr. Dolan displayed a graphic that shows that split: the total trip generation is still 550, <br />with ten homes using one access and the rest going out the other way. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 24, 2015 Page 9 of 54 <br />