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PC 051315
City of Pleasanton
PC 051315
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Robert Byrd stated that he has lived in Downtown Pleasanton since 1952 and has built <br />a new building Downtown and restored old ones. He indicated that he currently owns <br />and manages commercial property Downtown, one on Main Street and one on <br />St. Mary's Street, so he knows Downtown as well as anybody does, and he knows of no <br />property north of Neal Street suitable or available for new parking within acceptable <br />walking distances of the vast majority of north -side Main Street business customers. He <br />requested this leadership organization to discuss the fairness to existing north -side <br />business and property owners of selling in -lieu parking fees to new north -side property <br />owners, knowing there will be no new parking on the north side. He added that if there <br />will be new parking, then the responsible thing for leadership to do is tell the existing <br />business and property owners where this new parking will be at the time the in -lieu <br />parking fees are sold, so they could plan for their own success and livelihood in the <br />future. He pointed out that this is the way real partnerships are supposed to work. <br />Mr. Byrd stated that based on facts and the parking study, parking Downtown is near <br />saturation. He indicated that the majority of people arrive Downtown by automobile, <br />and people like to sit outside when they dine. He pointed out that the proposed project <br />has 2,000 square feet of outside dining, and this so- called parking credit for this outdoor <br />space is just another way to get around not supplying the project's fair share of parking. <br />He reiterated that there is not going to be any parking on the north side and that <br />leadership should indicate where the parking will be before in -lieu parking fees are <br />given out to other people, or free parking to the project on the corner of Main Street and <br />Neal Street. <br />Al Bronzini stated that he owns the property immediately to the south of the proposed <br />new building. He indicated that he purchased that property in 1983 and operated his <br />own retail furniture store at 719 Main Street for 10 years until 1994, ending a 46 -year <br />career as a furniture retailer, then leased his building for 14 years to an antique dealer, <br />importers of furniture from Europe. He noted that although he is not a resident of <br />Pleasanton, he is very passionate about the success of Downtown Pleasanton, and <br />acquiring quality tenants for his location has always been a top priority. He stated that <br />his current tenants are Rick's Picks and Jaime Bridal. <br />Mr. Bronzini stated that he was heavily involved in the reconstruction of Main Street, so <br />he knows a lot about what went on to make Main Street what it is today. He added that <br />he served as president of the Pleasanton Downtown Association (PDA) in its early days <br />and as block captain during the construction period. <br />Mr. Bronzini stated that a week ago, he met with Mr. Dondero, who showed him this <br />magnificent rendering of their proposed project, and to say that it is impressive would be <br />putting it mildly. He noted, however, that he did have a concern about the potential risk <br />of damage, given that the buildings are going to be so close together, probably a zero <br />clearance situation. He added that he was concerned about the foundations of his <br />building because he does not know if that soil was compacted enough to hold after the <br />demolition of the Union Jack Pub, which had a basement which was known to be there <br />until the demolition. He indicated that he brought this to Mr. Dondero's attention, and he <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 13, 2015 Page 6 of 32 <br />
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