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sidewalk level. He indicated that when they looked at the back of the lot, they saw that <br />the parking designed for the previous building did not really work in terms of ingress and <br />egress. He continued that they then stretched the building to the back and picked up <br />that upper terrace deck to bring attention from the street level to draw people for <br />entertaining in the evening time. He noted that they developed a tower to have this <br />lantern sort of effect at night that would light up the street and make the building come <br />alive and interact with the public. <br />Mr. Volkmann stated that they studied the Downtown Specific Plan to make sure they <br />had a traditional building that moved into the 21St century. He added that they are <br />excited about their project and look forward to it moving forward. <br />In connection with Commissioner O'Connor's earlier comment regarding enclosing the <br />space, Mr. Volkmann stated that in any community, enclosing the lower dining space <br />and bringing it out would subject it to parking requirements at that point. He added that <br />if somebody came in to do a renovation and enclosed the upper deck, that would also <br />become a conditioned space at that point, and then again and would have to meet the <br />parking requirement for that additional square footage. <br />Commissioner Balch stated that looking at the architectural plan of one of the earlier <br />plan layouts, he noted that the path of travel is on the neighboring or adjoining property <br />to the north. <br />Phil Volkmann confirmed that there is an existing recorded easement that runs across <br />the back of the property which is used for exiting. <br />Commissioner Balch then referred to Space B up front that projects out into the path of <br />travel and noted that there is a tree and a wall. He inquired what the distance is <br />between the tree and the Patio B wall. <br />Mr. Volkmann replied that they will have the minimum requirement of six feet. He <br />indicated that they hired a civil engineer, the civil plan has been done, and all those <br />spaces have been checked to make sure there is adequate space for accessibility <br />around it. He added that this will be checked again during construction. <br />Commissioner Balch inquired if that is measured from the grate or from the tree trunk <br />Mr. Volkmann replied that they would typically measure it from the grate to avoid any <br />issues arising from a wheel that rolls over a grate. <br />Mr. Otto explained that if the grate is there and it is level, the grate can be used as part <br />of the required four- foot clearance up to the opening of the hole in the tree well. He <br />noted, however, that oftentimes the grates may not be level, and for safety reasons, the <br />measurement is taken from the edge of the grate. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 13, 2015 Page 5 of 32 <br />