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City of Pleasanton
PC 051315
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was assured that proper engineering procedures and work would be done to ensure <br />that the integrity of his building would not be compromised. <br />Mr. Bronzini stated that he has read the staff report and has never seen one quite so <br />comprehensive and complete. He indicated that it is evident to him that the Dondero <br />family wants to build this project and will do every reasonable thing to make it come to <br />fruition. He added that he is sure that Downtown would like to have it and noted that he <br />certainly would like to see it as well, after living 32 years with bars and boarded up <br />fences. He stated that he supports this project wholeheartedly and understands there <br />are some details that have to be worked out with City staff. He urged the Commission <br />to work in a positive manner and with a very positive attitude toward an expeditious <br />approval of this beautiful project. <br />Robert Dondero stated that he walks his dog up and down Main Street on a daily basis, <br />and he sees things a little differently from Mr. Byrd as far as the parking goes. He <br />indicated that he talks to people and businesses Downtown, and they don't really see a <br />parking problem. He pointed out that during his walks, he sees about 25 parking <br />spaces available within that area, consistently on the north end of town; he offered to <br />walk with the Commissioners on any night they pick. <br />Mr. Dondero stated that he thinks the businesses Downtown would agree that this <br />project is going to help them and a lot of the community. He indicated that he has really <br />worked hard with the neighbors, and of the people who have seen the project, not one <br />has said anything negative about the project or about parking issues; Mr. Byrd's <br />comment is actually the first negative comment he has heard. <br />Mr. Dondero agreed that big Downtown events like First Wednesdays will obviously <br />take away hundreds of parking space, and people park in front of his house on Second <br />Street; but he understands that this is part of the package that goes with living <br />Downtown. He pointed out that there is a fine line between supporting businesses, <br />wanting them to upgrade, and having people there, such that if there are no businesses <br />Downtown, existing businesses will not upgrade their buildings. He stated that he is <br />disappointed, as a Pleasanton resident, that the Downtown is a bit behind in <br />comparison to Danville, Livermore, Walnut Creek, and Lafayette, for example. He <br />noted that when he moved to Pleasanton 25 years ago, Pleasanton Downtown was the <br />leader, the place people went to and what every other downtown wanted to be like. He <br />stated that over the years, Pleasanton has lost a little of that, and he is trying to bring <br />that back with this project. He added that Downtown parking will probably have to be <br />addressed down the road, but that time is not here yet. <br />Mr. Byrd stated that the Downtown has a parking study and it says there is a parking <br />problem. He indicated that he goes Downtown everyday, and putting in another <br />restaurant will bring everybody Downtown, and they will not be able to find parking. He <br />pointed out that Barone's and everyone else is using them, and saying there is no <br />parking problem Downtown is nonsense. He noted that there is no parking problem <br />Downtown during the day when no one is there, but when everybody comes down for <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 13, 2015 Page 7 of 32 <br />
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