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Mr. Otto replied that was a separate issue. He explained that the applicant had to <br />provide parking for the square footage of the new building, minus a credit received for <br />Pastime Pool, and as far as the formula works and the Code with opportunity costs in <br />the formula, that number equaled the amount of the public plaza value. <br />Commissioner Balch commented that instead of dollars, the applicant paid in plaza. <br />Mr. Otto said yes. He explained that the prior project for this new site had two parking <br />spaces for which the applicant got credit and did not have to pay. He noted that those <br />spaces are gone, but the prior project would have gotten credit because there were two <br />spaces there. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that he would like to go back to the Commission having <br />some discretion on the amount it would want to give for the prior building, either in <br />utilization, or in time lapsed, or design of the new building. He indicated that he has <br />been on the Commission for nine years, and he keeps hearing when the Commission <br />says it is not making precedent that it refers back to something it did. He stated that he <br />knows the Commission has made problems here with parking because it has not <br />demanded enough parking from a lot of people who develop or add on in the <br />Downtown, and he thinks that practice needs to be stopped or Downtown will never <br />have the parking it needs or the funds to build when the time comes to build either a <br />parking structure, or pave the right -of -way. He added that since the City has already <br />used all the fund money to purchase the property, he does not know how the City would <br />exercise its option to pick up the piece on the right -of -way. He stated that money has to <br />come from somewhere and that the City needs to stop making the same type of <br />decisions where it ends up short on parking fees. He reiterated that he is not saying to <br />go square foot per square foot but to do what is right. He indicated he thinks the <br />parameters are between a minimum of three and a maximum of nine, and that <br />discussion is necessary because the City is just boxing itself in here if it keeps doing <br />this. <br />Commissioner Balch stated that he fully sees Chair Allen's argument that two spots <br />were on site and are no longer there. He indicated that he personally believes the <br />Municipal Code needs to change to account for that because as Commissioner <br />O'Connor commented, the City is boxing itself in because not replacing the parking that <br />was demolished seems awfully short- sighted. He stated that he does not know if he is <br />getting to nine, but he wants to see where it is at five. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that he would support the five and agreed that the Code <br />needs to be revisited too in relation to terraces and exempting them. He indicated that it <br />is one thing to have a building that has a three -foot wide area within the sidewalks <br />where one has to kind of step through it to even get to one of the tables, but a <br />1,800- square -foot plaza is a little different from most of Downtown's outside seating, <br />although some of the restaurants have a lot of outside seating. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 13, 2015 Page 18 of 32 <br />