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PC 051315
City of Pleasanton
PC 051315
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Chair Allen agreed. <br />Commissioner O'Connor continued that as a commercial property owner, he does not <br />want to have a parking problem; he does not want to have too much because he does <br />not want to waste space on a parking lot. He noted, however, that it is his biggest worry <br />because if he does not have enough parking for people to come in and go to each one <br />of his tenants, one of his tenants will have to downsize the intensity of his use. He <br />further noted that without parking, one does not get any business. <br />Commissioner Balch stated that in the calculation staff did here, it says 4,503 square <br />feet minus 3,666 square feet represents a net of 837 square feet, which is divided by <br />300 to equal three parking spaces. He commented that it would seem like Chair Allen's <br />point of the two parking spaces being on -site would have been factored into this <br />calculation. <br />Commissioner O'Connor countered that what Chair Allen is saying is that it comes down <br />to three additional parking spaces for the new building, plus the two parking spaces that <br />occupied the lot with the 3,666- square -foot building. <br />Chair Allen added that the second part of her argument is that at the time the <br />permission was originally granted to allow these credits, the assumption and agreement <br />was that those two parking spaces would be maintained, and they have not been <br />maintained and are no longer there, so they have been lost. <br />Mr. Weinstein stated that these are all good points and that the Commission is <br />struggling with the parking issue. He explained that staff's recommendation for this sort <br />of credit fits very closely to what is called for in the Municipal Code, which does not <br />indicate that existing spaces that are being demolished as part of a new project be <br />taken into account; it is simply taking the proposed square footage and then subtracting <br />from that the existing square footage and using that delta to figure out the parking <br />demand for the project. He reiterated that because this is a Design Review application, <br />there is not a lot of discretion to add additional parking. He stated that staff is <br />suggesting to not add additional parking requirements as this goes outside of the <br />bounds of what the Code calls for in this case. He added that this is a special sort of <br />environment in the City, the Downtown that is a relatively small but cherished sliver of <br />our City that is probably a little more walkable and a little more pedestrian- oriented than <br />the rest of the City. <br />Chair Allen inquired if staff is saying that her proposal would be inconsistent with how <br />the City has been applying this and what the Code is. <br />Mr. Weinstein said yes. Using 511 Main Street as an example, he stated that ten <br />parking spaces on that site were demolished, and the applicant was not required to pay <br />or in any way make up for those ten spaces that were removed. <br />Chair Allen noted that that was the plaza. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 13, 2015 Page 17 of 32 <br />
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