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Chair Allen stated that she would be comfortable with that as well. <br />Commissioner Piper stated that she is not clear regarding how this could even be a <br />possibility since it follows the Municipal Code. <br />Chair O'Connor noted that staff had indicated that the Commission had that discretion. <br />Mr. Weinstein stated that the parking calculations shown on the slide are per the <br />Municipal Code, and the Commission has the ability to not grant a full credit for the <br />existing building. He pointed out that this would result, in effect, in the applicant either <br />providing more parking which probably is not possible on the site, or paying more in -lieu <br />fees for additional parking spaces. He indicated that this is a possibility that is up to the <br />discretion of the Planning Commission. <br />Commissioner Nagler stated that he would support only requiring three and not five for <br />several reasons: (1) It is a much larger issue than getting two additional spaces out of <br />this particular use. The precedent is actually a really good point and how this will be <br />implemented, but it is a bigger issue. (2) It would be difficult to make a finding that this <br />building is not an architectural improvement over what was there before. (3) This <br />building is totally well- designed and universally loved. The in -lieu parking fee has <br />already been a point of contention for the developer and is potentially affecting the <br />project, which everyone agrees is an enormous benefit to the Downtown. He indicated <br />that he is not supportive of the Commission getting hung up over whether or not it will <br />adequately address a parking need which is looming, and it does need to be addressed <br />before people can actually find a place to park, but it is a much bigger issue. <br />Commissioner Piper agreed with Commissioner Nagler. She added that she thinks the <br />Commission should consider changes in the future for outdoor patios. She noted that <br />the proposed patio is pretty significant, and a lot more Downtown establishments are <br />allowing patrons to be outside. She added, however, that this is not the right time to do <br />that with this particular project. <br />Chair Allen stated that she has had a little shift in where she is coming on this because <br />of the 511 Main Street project the Commission just approved. She indicated that the <br />question is if this is the time to make the change and force it in. She added that she <br />would like to say she will not approve full credits on anything going forward and would <br />ask that for anything further coming through, staff look at the things that have been <br />brought up by the all the Commissioners tonight and really think through that situation <br />especially in this booming economy. She commented that the question of credit should <br />not be as liberal as it may have been before, and if staff can do that at any future <br />project, she would be willing to accept this as is because she wants to be consistent <br />with 511 Main Street. She agreed that the Commission needs to have a thoughtful <br />process for dealing with this going forward versus putting it on this applicant specifically. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that if that is the majority, that is what will pass; <br />however, he still thinks the City ought to stop kicking the can down the road. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 13, 2015 Page 19 of 32 <br />