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PC 052213
City of Pleasanton
PC 052213
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2. How much of the City's future Regional Housing Needs Allocation should <br />be accommodated in the East Pleasanton Specific Plan area? <br />3. What should be the mix of single - family vs. multi - family housing? <br />Commissioner Olson stated that he thinks the Commission ought to stick with balance <br />and try to maintain a similar mix as what the rest of the City has. He noted that looking <br />at that relative to the UGB, he is reminded that for years the City had a housing cap and <br />ended up having to do away with that. He further noted that it the City keeps a tight <br />boundary, it will be forced to end up violating the current mix the City has. <br />Chair Blank agreed with Commission Olson. He stated that his view is that the <br />Commission should not think about this as how much the RHNA should be <br />accommodated but rather, start off with getting the 75 /25- percent balance, or push it to <br />65/35 percent, and whatever that number computes to is the number. He indicated that <br />he would not go below 65 percent and added that as Commission O'Connor pointed <br />out, he does not know how many times, when the Commission was doing that initial <br />housing sites map, people with vested interests with building low- income housing came <br />up in front of the Commission saying, "Do not make this different; do not put it all there; <br />you will be making a huge mistake." He stated that he would rather say, "Let us make it <br />just like the rest of Pleasanton, and whatever numbers drive out of that, those are the <br />numbers. If we have to go elsewhere to find the rest of the numbers, than we go <br />elsewhere to find the rest of the numbers, and that is fine." <br />Commission Olson agreed. <br />Commissioner Posson stated that he was thinking that while the rest of the City is <br />currently at about a 75 /25- percent split, that could change in the future if the City finds <br />more space within the rest of the City to accommodate any new RHNA numbers the <br />City may have. He indicated that he does not know what the maximum would be, and it <br />would be more problematic, as Mr. Dolan mentioned, to come up with a number today if <br />we went with 25/75 percent today. He questioned whether the City would be able to <br />come back to the East side and start shifting that around in the future. He added that if <br />the City is going to plan it, he would rather plan the East side and not have to come <br />back and touch it. He noted that he would be willing to go with a little more <br />high- density, but he certainly thinks that 50/50 percent is not the right mix; 65 percent <br />would be about where he would want to be on single - family and no more than <br />35 percent on high- density. He added that he could go less than that for high- density, <br />but he would target it at 35 percent. He stated that again, he does not know about the <br />UGB and whether that block needed to be developed in order to fund the road, and the <br />reason he was looking at it is if the City did not find the room. <br />Commissioner Olson commented that Commissioner Posson stated it very eloquently. <br />He indicated that his sense is that the mix should be consistent with other areas of the <br />City, and the City should look at the proportional amount to meet the RHNA demands <br />for this development as well as across the entire City. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 22, 2013 Page 24 of 41 <br />
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