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Chair Blank indicated that he does not know what impact that would have on the City's <br />numbers. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that he does not really think it would have any impact. He explained <br />that compared to the size of the area in the UGB now and adding that little bit, available <br />land is a part of the formula, but he did not think there would be a dramatic change. <br />Chair Blank stated that his view would be that if there were no change, then he does not <br />have a problem one way or the other. He noted that the question is one person's <br />dramatic change might be another person's moderate change; so before he would be <br />able to get a good read, he would need to see the information to know what the impact <br />of that would be. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that there is no way to provide it. He explained that in terms of <br />predicting what the RHNA numbers are going to be based on that movement, he would <br />just be lying if he said he could tell the Commission what the impact was really going to <br />be with a number. <br />Mr. Dolan continued that in line with this topic, there were two reasons why the Task <br />Force picked that alternative and went in that direction, and where it pretty much came <br />to a consensus that it could not move out: one was a concern about having enough <br />development to support the infrastructure demands which are significant, and not <br />require that to be all put on the backs of housing because it was concerned about <br />housing numbers; and the second was this area is no garden spot and has a different <br />look to it, leaving basically scarred landscape there and not the same as the rolling hills <br />that surround and add to the beauty of the area. <br />Mr. Rasmussen added that this area is currently included within the City limits and so <br />even though this is beyond the UGB line, it is also in the City and zoned industrial. <br />Commissioner Olson stated that based on what Mr. Dolan's said, he agreed with <br />Commissioner Posson that it would be all right to move it, particularly relative to <br />El Charro Road hooking up with the Shadow Cliff entry. He indicated that he feels <br />strongly about doing that. <br />Commissioner Pearce stated that she agreed with Commissioner Olson. She explained <br />that for all the reasons that Mr. Dolan and Mr. Rasmussen said, and these are all <br />conversations at the Task Force level, she thinks it is a real potential win whether it <br />needs to be done, whether it is minor, or whether it needs to be done by the book. She <br />indicated that she believes it is a good option for this property. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 22, 2013 Page 23 of 41 <br />