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Commissioner Pearce stated that at the Task Force level, the theme that came up over <br />and over again was balance, and it is not only balance within this development in terms <br />of matching, or at least coming close to, the mix with the rest of the City, but balance <br />with regard to RHNA numbers throughout the City. She indicated that this was a real <br />driving force in the housing element discussions. She noted that she would hate to be <br />perceived as, or actually be, dumping an inordinate amount of high- density housing <br />here, and echoed what the other Commissioners have said, which she thought reflects <br />a significant amount of the Task Force discussions. <br />4. Should multi - family housing sites be centrally located to help create a <br />community local point or more disbursed? <br />Chair Blank stated that he thinks it is really hard to answer this question without seeing <br />some proposed plans and layouts. He indicated that, again, he would be looking for <br />balance and does not want to see all the multi - family housing units in one location <br />because that unbalances the property. He noted that some multi - family housing is <br />certainly going to form its own unit because of the way it is put together, but it depends <br />on what kind of communities get developed. He added that other than saying that he <br />want a balance, he does not know that he has enough information to really answer that <br />question with specificity. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that he would like to give a little more background on what the genesis <br />of this question was. He explained that the Task Force had to come up with a land use <br />pattern, and it does not know what the projects will look like. He noted that what really <br />came up in the Task Force dialogue is that when staff and the consultants think about <br />the fact that some density needs to be accommodated out there, and it sounds like they <br />may be headed towards less than more, but you would usually put the higher density <br />together around a central community point where there is walking distance to the retail <br />and easy access to transit, have the park right there, and make a community out of it, <br />the center and together, the reaction of the Task Force was that nobody really wants <br />that much of that, so put a little piece over in the corner and separate it out. <br />Chair Blank stated that from that perspective, if there is maybe one side where there is <br />a park, you build a community; and maybe there is another area where there is retail, <br />you build a community. He indicated that he tends to agree with the Task Force that he <br />is not really keen on having all of the multi - family housing sites in one specific location. <br />He stated that he understands the problems but he also does not want to get in one of <br />these situations the Commission had up in the hills regarding when a blob is a blob, and <br />where exactly it is located. He added that he thinks this has to be done in a conceptual <br />level, at least at this point. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that it just occurred to him where the Commission was going with the <br />numbers and that it might be a non -issue because if the Commission will reduce the <br />number of units to 1,000, and it wants only 25- percent multi - family, then the <br />Commission is only talking about one project. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 22, 2013 Page 25 of 41 <br />