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Chair Blank stated that it is a little better on the printed copies <br />Mr. Rasmussen displayed the Alternative 1 map on the screen and pointed out the <br />two -acre retail to the south, and another four acres up north in conjunction with the <br />office area. He added that there would be some lakefront retail as well, which is not <br />shown but would be part of an overlay for the office area. <br />Commissioner Pearce asked Mr. Rasmussen to speak to the genesis of the creation of <br />the three units to an acre versus eight or four, and why the variety of low- density <br />designations in the different Alternatives. <br />Mr. Rasmussen replied that low- density becomes a bit of a left -over category when all <br />the other land uses are taken out. He explained, for example, that he talked about the <br />reasons for locating office and parks and industrial at specific areas, and once that <br />acreage is taken out as not appropriate for residential, and then a certain amount of <br />multi - family is put in a couple of locations, a lot of acreage, in this case, is left over for <br />single family residential. He noted that once the acreage is taken and the numbers are <br />kept down, the density goes way down. He added that it is kind of a strange problem <br />that really low densities are coming up within the single family area because there is a <br />lot of land left over, and yet the overall numbers has to be kept down. <br />The Commission then discussed the questions in the staff report. <br />Commissioner Pearce requested that because she is on the Task Force, she be the last <br />with regard to the questions as she would like to get the Commissioners' input first <br />before answering the questions. <br />1. Does the Planning Commission support planning for future development <br />beyond the current Urban Growth Boundary? <br />Commissioner Posson said yes, noting that he thinks it makes sense, in light of the <br />overall planning area, to look at expanding the UGB. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that if the current UGB is expanded, it would include <br />more acreage now in the City; and if whatever is outside, including the industrial, is <br />moved inside, it leaves acreage for the City to meet the RHNA numbers. He added that <br />moving the UGB farther and farther out would provide more acreage, and the City will <br />continue to get more and more RHNA numbers at some point because the City has <br />more acreage. <br />Chair Blank stated that he does not know how big a movement that is, so he does not <br />know how much the City would be expanding the UGB or not. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that it would be less than 140 acres. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 22, 2013 Page 22 of 41 <br />