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City of Pleasanton
PC 052213
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interstate trucking, or if trucks can be restricted on certain roads as long as a route is <br />delineated for them to go down specific roads. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that if this is industrial, there will be trucks, and there will probably be <br />some cases of this size that you would regulate, so this is something that staff would <br />have to look at. He indicated that for the most part, the fact that El Charro Road will be <br />completed solves most of the problems; but there is no way around it, and there will be <br />trucks on El Charro Road and on Stanley Boulevard, but hopefully this helps get them <br />off of some of the other streets. <br />Commissioner Pearce stated that the Commission could certainly take a look at that <br />and inquired if it could request that trucks use a variety of routes. <br />Mr. Dolan said yes. <br />Commissioner Olson inquired if PUSD has a seat at the table or what type of input have <br />they provided into the Task Force. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that PUSD does not have and was not assigned a spot on the Task <br />Force; however it has had Board members and staff at every meeting. He noted that it <br />is a regular agenda item on the monthly City Council -PUSD Board Liaison Committee <br />that he attends. He added that he is actually speaking to the School Board on Tuesday <br />night. He indicated that there is a lot of back and forth, and ultimately, it is an important <br />and difficult decision for PUSD. He indicated that it would be very helpful if PUSD <br />would decide because there is a fall -back land use if there is no school site, and it would <br />affect the numbers. He noted that everybody is concerned about the numbers, and <br />there is a lot of dialogue; the District is very involved, and so it is something it would <br />have to work through. He added that if PUSD ultimately concludes that it need a school <br />site, there will be one reserved for that. <br />With respect to the comment on the office in the northern portion of the plan area, <br />Commissioner Olson inquired if that is part of the APA. <br />Mr. Dolan said yes. <br />Commissioner Olson inquired if the plan area would be accommodating the comment <br />about 100 -year flood plan and if that would be considered as part of the Environmental <br />Impact Report (EIR). <br />Mr. Dolan said that was correct. He indicated that it would be evaluated during the EIR <br />process and any impact on any drainage and flooding would be analyzed. <br />Commissioner Posson noted that the staff report states that all the Alternatives include <br />approximately 90,000 square feet of retail. He indicated that he is having a problem <br />identifying the retail because the red retail and the red residential on the monitor look <br />pretty close. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 22, 2013 Page 21 of 41 <br />
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