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PC 052213
City of Pleasanton
PC 052213
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cost to get rid of all the bridge abutments, which got the Valley Trails neighborhood out <br />of the flood zone, as well as Val Vista, Ponderosa, and part of the homes off of Pimlico <br />Drive. She added that they were always told that was a temporary fix and that the <br />permanent fix was the chain of lakes, which they should be watching very carefully and <br />be proactive on this issue. <br />Ms. Cox expressed concern that whatever these plans are, it should include a plan for <br />the 100 -year flood that is coming some day, because people's lives and their property <br />are on the line. She indicated that she does not like how all four Alternatives cut into <br />Cope Lake, which would allow water to drift out of the lake. She added that with the <br />100 -year flood, they need the space, the lake, and the retention ponds, and staff needs <br />to work with Zone 7. She stated that at a meeting she attended today, Zone 7 stated <br />that its timing and the City's timing are a little bit off. She added that Zone 7 indicated <br />that they have not finalized their plans; she added that she is not concerned about <br />low- income housing but about people's lives and property. She thanked Ms. Stern and <br />Mr. Rasmussen because she was involved in the housing meetings and she thinks they <br />looked at every square inch in Pleasanton about where to put this low- income housing, <br />and no matter what is done, someone is not going to be happy. She concluded that she <br />thinks the City is out of space to put those homes. She then handed letter to staff that <br />she gave to the Task Force. <br />Chair Blank stated that he was involved in some disaster recovery planning a few years <br />back and noted that if the Del Valle Reservoir were breached when it was full, there <br />would be three feet of water on Hopyard Road within about four hours. <br />Ms. Cox stated that this is one of the disclosures she, as a realtor, has to give people. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Commissioner Pearce stated that in a past conversation about the relocation of the <br />OSC and the PGS Transfer Station, the Task Force was very clear that it wanted <br />developers to fully foot the bill for these relocations. She inquired if there have been <br />any conversations with developers since the last Task Force meeting regarding the <br />financial feasibility of doing this. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that staff is aware that there have been conversations among the <br />property owners, but staff does not know the outcome of those conversations. <br />Chair Blank stated that he does not think it has been a question the Commission has <br />been asked and that he would like to get a sense of what the Planning Commission <br />thinks. <br />Commissioner Pearce recalled that there were concerns regarding industrial truck traffic <br />going down some of these roads when the Commission looked at circulation particularly <br />about Home Depot, and the Commission talked about restricting the truck routes. She <br />inquired if that is something that is done only for much larger trucks or only with larger <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 22, 2013 Page 20 of 41 <br />
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