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Lt. Knox replied that it depends on a case -by -case basis. He stated that they would <br />respond to public disturbance or if it rises to the occasion of a difficult patron; but their <br />response is in general and not specific to just that location or that type of business. <br />Commissioner Olson asked when Lt. Knox expects to get that security plan. <br />Lt. Knox replied that it should be approved by the Chief of Police prior to the opening of <br />the business. <br />Commissioner Olson inquired, should the Commission approved the application tonight, <br />if it would be subject to the Police Chief's approval of that plan. <br />Lt. Knox said yes. <br />Commissioner Olson asked Lt. Knox if he is not sure when that will come through. <br />Lt. Knox replied that it would be at the applicant's submission. He added that he would <br />work on it with the applicant. <br />Commissioner Olson stated that, assuming everything works out and they operate <br />successfully, there would be no reason to report back to the Planning Commission on <br />how many calls the Police Department has received. He noted, however, that there <br />have been other situations that have come before the Commission where the <br />Commission has actually requested the Police Department to keep a tally anyway and <br />report back quarterly to the Commission. He indicated that he would anticipate that the <br />Commission would request the same thing on this establishment if problems come up. <br />Lt. Knox said yes. <br />Commissioner Narum moved to make the required conditional use findings as <br />described in the staff report and to approve Case P12 -1821, subject to the <br />Conditions of Approval listed in Exhibit A of the staff report, and incorporating <br />the amendments to the conditions as stated in the staff memo dated February 27, <br />2013. <br />Commissioner Olson seconded the motion. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />AYES: <br />Commissioners Narum, Olson, and Pearce <br />NOES: <br />Commissioner Posson. <br />ABSTAIN: <br />None. <br />RECUSED: <br />Commissioner O'Connor. <br />ABSENT: <br />Commissioner Blank. <br />Resolution No. PC- 2013 -11 approving P12 -1821 was entered and adopted as <br />motioned. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 27, 2013 Page 17 of 22 <br />