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center, would like some spillover visitors in the evening, and he is respectful of that. He <br />reiterated, however, that he is concerned that the memory of that location just goes <br />back too far and the folks who came to that club in years past are still going to <br />remember, even though it is a new name, that that place was there. He added that he <br />is also concerned about public safety and the costs to the Police Department. He <br />inquired if the new owner pay for these costs, which he hopes they would. He recalled <br />that there were multiple visits by the police on various weekends, on numerous <br />weekends when I would drive by, and he recalled that the place was closed because <br />there was a shooting. He stated that he is sure Pleasanton residents remember that <br />and will for a long time, and he does not see why people from San Jose, San Francisco, <br />Oakland, and elsewhere in the Bay Area are not going to remember that and are not <br />going to be attracted to this. He added that he was reading over the materials and it <br />looked to him like the issues with this place go back to at least 1997 and 1998 before he <br />even moved to town, and he would not be surprised if it went back even further. <br />Mr. Sowell stated that one of the uses he would like to see for this location is a greater <br />emphasis on a place where young people; teenagers, can gather and have fun. He <br />indicated that his twin sons are now 14 years. He noted that over a year or two ago, the <br />City put on events at Hart Middle School on Friday nights, but budget cuts have since <br />prevented that from going on. He stated that it was essentially a place where teens who <br />were older than the Pump It Up or Super Franks set could go. He noted that those were <br />great places for these teens. He added that as far as he knows, except for Boomer's in <br />Livermore and maybe Super Franks to some extent, there is no place for children 12 to <br />18 or 14 to 18 to go that would be actually fun to go to. He indicated that he would like <br />for there to be a period during the week where maybe 12- to 14- year -olds are welcome, <br />and only within that age range would seem appropriate; and then maybe from 16 to <br />18 years at a different day and a different time. He reiterated that he thinks that would <br />be great so the young people are in a safe place. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED <br />Vice Chair Pearce asked Lt. Knox if the Police Department is comfortable with the <br />operations as set forth in the Conditions of Approval. <br />Lt. Knox said yes, as proposed, pending approval of the submitted security plan. <br />Vice Chair Pearce inquired if he has seen the revised Conditions of Approval on the <br />staff memo dated today. <br />Lt. Knox said yes. <br />Vice Chair Pearce noted that there is an altered condition in the memo that talks about <br />calling the Police Department if somebody standing outside the property will not leave. <br />She inquired if it is typical for the Police Department to do that. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 27, 2013 Page 16 of 22 <br />