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b. P12 -1797, Rina Morningstar, Colliers International <br />Application for Sign Design Review approval to amend the Master Sign <br />Program for the Pleasanton Gateway shopping center to add three <br />tenant signs to the west side of the Shops #8 building located at <br />6786 Bernal Avenue (northwest corner of Bernal Avenue and the <br />northbound 1 -680 off- ramp). Zoning for the property is PUD -C (Planned <br />Unit Development — Commercial) District. <br />This item was continued to the March 13, 2013 meeting at the request of the applicant. <br />P12 -1791, Raiitha Sumanasekera, Little Flowers Montessori, Appellant <br />Appeal of the Zoning Administrator's denial of an application for Sign <br />Design Review to retain a non - approved but already installed <br />non - illuminated wall- mounted sign at 3550 Bernal Avenue, Suite 110. <br />Zoning for the property is PUD -C -N (Planned Unit Development - <br />Neighborhood- Commercial) District. <br />This item was continued to the March 13, 2013 meeting at the request of the adjacent <br />tenant. <br />7. MATTERS INITIATED BY COMMISSION MEMBERS <br />Car Accident on Quarry Lane <br />Vice Chair Pearce asked Mr. Dolan if staff had any information about the accident that <br />Mr. Studzinski brought up regarding Quarry Lane. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that this is the first he has heard of it and that he would follow up and <br />inform the Commission. <br />Vice Chair Pearce thanked Mr. Dolan and added that she just wants to make sure that <br />the Commission keeps an eye on that and make sure it stays on top of it because this <br />has been an ongoing concern in that Business Park. <br />Commissioner Narum inquired if Quarry Lane is on a Conditional Use Permit. <br />Ms. Stern replied that it is an old one and may predate the necessity for a use permit. <br />She stated that staff would check on that as well. <br />8. MATTERS FOR COMMISSION'S REVIEW /ACTION /INFORMATION <br />a. Future Planning Calendar <br />No discussion was held or action taken. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 27, 2013 Page 18 of 22 <br />