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Commissioner Posson noted that if he understands it correctly, the largest room would <br />be transitioned from the restaurant to a nightclub. He inquired how that happens. <br />Mr. DeBlasi replied that what ends up happening is that they ask the people who show <br />up later if they are there for dinner or for drinks. He noted that as the night progresses, <br />more people would say they are there for drinks, and staff would start seating people <br />more for alcohol and /or nightclub. <br />Commissioner Narum noted Mr. DeBlasi's statement that he would close the restaurant <br />if there are not many people in attendance. <br />Mr. DeBlasi said yes. He stated that they have to have hours of operation, and the <br />restaurant will be open up to that time, but they may remain open later if they are busy. <br />Commissioner Narum noted that Condition No. 21 states that the operator shall provide <br />at least limited food service during all operating hours of the business. <br />Mr. DeBlasi replied that they will have food all night, but it would not be a full restaurant; <br />it would be a late night menu that is basically burritos, tacos, and some seafood dishes. <br />He indicated that the kitchen is fully staffed when it is open, and it is cut to half when it <br />slows down. <br />Commissioner Narum inquired if that is adequately addressed in the conditions. <br />Ms. Stern said yes. <br />Commissioner Olson noted that Condition No. 21 does reference appetizers. <br />Commissioner Narum agreed but indicated that she felt a little uncomfortable when <br />Mr. DeBlasi talked a couple of minutes ago about shutting the kitchen down. <br />Mr. DeBlasi clarified that he meant, for example, that on a Tuesday night, if they are not <br />busy for dinner, they would close the entire establishment at 10:00 p.m., which is the <br />end of their hours of operation. He added that they would remain open until then so if <br />people show up, staff would be there. <br />Gene Havrilenko stated that he is the property manager of the complex and represented <br />the owners of the shopping center. He indicated that he is present tonight to support <br />their future tenant. <br />Sean Sowell stated that he has lived in Pleasanton since 2000 and remembers Club <br />Neo and Shboom. He indicated that as a regular reader of Pleasanton Weekly and <br />seeing all the police reports, he is really concerned that given the history of the location, <br />this is going to create a problem. He stated that he recognized that there is a new <br />owner and the need for local businesses. He added that he knows Lloyd, the proprietor <br />at Maui Wowie, and realizes that Lloyd, as well as the other tenants at that shopping <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 27, 2013 Page 15 of 22 <br />