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Ms. Diamond replied that it was stated in two ways: the first would be an objection to <br />the fee; and the second would be if the City still wanted to impose a fee, that there be <br />consideration of some kind of a waiver for hardship. <br />Commissioner Narum recalled the group home that was done in the Valle Vista area <br />with a ramp out front that the neighbors opposed and inquired how the City would <br />handle a similar request for a wheelchair ramp in this case. She indicated that she is <br />aware the City has design guidelines, but this would be a case where the City would <br />have no say. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired if at least the neighbors or residents in the <br />neighborhood would be notified if the City were to approve such an application. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that this application may have occurred before his time because he is <br />not familiar with it. He indicated that he cannot imagine how it came before the <br />Commission because it would not have required a design review as it is less than ten <br />feet tall. <br />Ms. Stern stated that it may have required a variance in the setback area. <br />Commissioner O'Connor recalled that it was quite an extensive ramp that was pretty <br />large and elaborate, unlike what one would normally see. <br />Mr. Otto stated that he does not recall it requiring a variance and that he thinks the <br />neighbors were calling about the use that came up as part of ramp. He recalled that it <br />was exempt from design review and did not need a variance, and it could just have <br />been put in. He noted that over the years, there have been several ramps that have <br />been installed in other locations where staff informed the applicants that they can just <br />do it. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that this is not anything new and happens as a matter of course now <br />because there are those laws saying that the City needs to make reasonable <br />accommodation. He explained that the way it works is, if they are proposing something <br />that is hideously ugly or offensive, staff tries to work with them to make it better or <br />suggest a better solution; however, that is the extent of staff's ability. <br />Commissioner Narum asked if what Mr. Dolan is saying is that the City has no teeth for <br />this. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired if the City has some discretion on design review. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that the City does not have design review authority for anything lower <br />than ten feet, such as any changes to the exterior of a residential structure. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired if this is the case even if they want to encroach into <br />the required setback. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 23, 2013 Page 41 of 44 <br />