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Mr. Dolan replied that this is what reasonable accommodation is, and if the only way <br />they can get in and out of their home with a wheelchair is going into the setback, staff <br />would allow that. <br />Commissioner O'Connor recalled that the proposed ramp seemed fairly lengthy but not <br />very steep and wound back and forth a couple of times and went up the front of the <br />house onto a fairly large deck which is what brought it more forward towards the <br />sidewalk. He indicated that this is why he asked if the City had any kind of design <br />review authority or if they could ask for whatever they want and it is automatically <br />granted. He asked what would be "reasonable" and what "reasonable accommodation' <br />is. <br />Ms. Stern replied that the findings and decision which are listed in Exhibit A of the staff <br />report allow potential impact on surrounding uses and alternative reasonable <br />accommodations to be considered. She noted that conditions of approval may be <br />imposed by the reviewing authority as well. She added that this would be an <br />administrative process rather than a variance process, and they would not need to meet <br />the findings for a variance, which are a pretty high standard. <br />Commissioner Narum asked the Commissioners how they would feel about adding <br />language to exempt or waive the $25 fee in case of hardship. <br />Commissioner Pearce inquired if the Commission can do that, noting that she thought <br />that was for the City Council to consider because it did not involve land use and lost <br />fees. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that that would be staff's preference. <br />Commissioner Narum moved to recommend approval to the City Council of <br />Case P13 -0005. <br />Commissioner Pearce seconded the motion. <br />Commissioner Blank suggested a friendly amendment to the motion to recommend to <br />the City Council that the $25 fee be waived in case of a hardship. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired if that would be an administrative process and would <br />not require the applicant to go back to the Council. <br />Ms. Diamond replied that the Director of Finance would review hardship waiver requests <br />for appeals. She added that it is quite a process for the Finance Department to go <br />through and getting the information necessary for the review. <br />Mr. Dolan commented that the City will be spending more money in creating rules than <br />it will ever take in over ten years. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 23, 2013 Page 42 of 44 <br />