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Commissioner Pearce stated that she sees hidden homeless people in Pleasanton all <br />the time, and she is glad to have this important service in the City. <br />Chair Blank stated for those who came this evening to give public testimony that some <br />of this is required by State law so it is not something the Commission can just say "no" <br />to. He agreed with Commissioner Pearce that this is important and that there is a need <br />for this. He noted that he sat on the Board of his Homeowners Association and saw <br />some very, very sad things, such as foreclosures, take place over the last four years. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />AYES: <br />Commissioners Blank, Narum, O'Connor, Olson, and Pearce. <br />NOES: <br />None <br />ABSTAIN: <br />None <br />RECUSED: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />Resolution No. PC- 2013 -06 recommending approval of Case P12 -1786 was entered <br />and adopted as motioned. <br />P12 -1785. City of Pleasanton <br />Application to amend various chapters of Title 18 of the Pleasanton <br />Municipal Code to comply with California Health and Safety Code <br />Sections 17021.5 and 17021.6 with respect to housing for agricultural <br />employees. <br />This item was continued to the February 13, 2013 meeting. <br />d. P13 -0005. City of Pleasanton <br />Application to amend Title 18 of the Pleasanton Municipal Code by <br />adding a new Chapter 18.86, Reasonable Accommodation, to comply <br />with fair housing laws regarding requests for reasonable <br />accommodation. <br />Ms. Diamond presented the staff report and described the background and key <br />elements of the proposed Code Amendments. She noted that staff received an email <br />from the Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL) requesting that the $25 <br />fee being considered for applying for reasonable accommodation be waived to help with <br />the needs of the disabled population. She noted that this would be taken to the City <br />Council for consideration. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired if the request for waiver of the $25 fee specifically <br />stated that it would be for those who could demonstrate hardship. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 23, 2013 Page 40 of 44 <br />