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on 1.a. and 1.b; on 2., the roofline has to be 100 feet below the ridgeline; on 3., <br />"Specific Plan" is deleted; and on 4., a combination of Commissioner Narum's and <br />Ms. Harryman's language will be used. He asked staff if the Commission needs to <br />finish this tonight because if that is the case, staff and the Commission will be here for a <br />while. <br />Mr. Dolan said no. He indicated that it is on a schedule for Council, but the reason it <br />was brought forward so quickly is because the last Council asked that it come forward <br />as it did not want it to get put off. <br />Chair Blank stated that he does not disagree with that but indicated that he would rather <br />get it right than have it rushed. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired what else was needed. <br />Chair Blank replied that what he was thinking is that the Commission has to change the <br />language of the proposed ordinance, and he wants to see that final language. <br />Mr. Dolan agreed. He added that he thinks the best way is for staff to bring it back to <br />the Commission fixed and amended as it wanted at the next meeting. <br />Commissioner Narum stated that she would be interested in re- opening the public <br />hearing and asking for a very short comment on what the preferred process is. <br />Chair Blank stated that before doing that, he would like to request staff to go back and <br />do two things: first, look at the definition of ridgeline in view of the tonight's testimony <br />about the Pleasanton Ridge; and second, consider Commissioner Olson's suggestion of <br />making a ridge inventory. He indicated that he does not know how easy or hard that <br />would be, and if that is something staff could invest an hour or two in and kind of get an <br />order of magnitude, in order to see if it would be a good investment at, say, $10,000, <br />and determine which ones were going to be covered by Measures PP and QQ, and <br />then it would be settled forever. <br />Commissioner Olson stated that is the reason he brought it up. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that it would be done in -house and would be just an investment in <br />time. He explained that it would involve looking at topography maps, excluding those <br />on public property or property that is already developed. He added that the parcels that <br />are going to be subject to Measure PP that are in the City limits right now would be <br />about half -a -dozen to a dozen, and staff could do that. He noted that the problem with <br />that is if there is an issue on one site and the Commissioners disagree about whether it <br />is a knoll or a ridge, then the whole thing collapses and the Commission cannot move <br />forward with anything. He indicated that he knows there is at least one site where that <br />will probably be the case. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 23, 2013 Page 30 of 44 <br />