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Commissioner Pearce stated that it will be a higher -level discussion when the <br />Commission gets the text back. <br />Chair Blank stated that when the Commission gets the text back, it could think about the <br />Pleasanton Ridge example and make sure that has been accommodated. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that he thinks that would be a bigger issue. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that he thinks staff can just document that there is nothing in the <br />Pleasanton Ridge that Pleasanton has control over because there are no properties <br />there. <br />Chair Blank agreed but suggested that it might be worthwhile to look at a topography <br />map and see if there are ridgelines in some of the developable properties that might <br />have the Pleasanton Ridge situation. <br />Mr. Dolan indicated that staff will attempt to do that before the next meeting. <br />Chair Blank stated that he thinks it is the sense of the Commission that this be <br />prioritized as the first item on the next agenda. <br />11: 14 101:34[0j:l=F_1:iI►mla- &4:7 *6];J :I 114 0 <br />Allen Roberts stated that the Pleasanton Ridge thing was just something he knew the <br />Commission could understand and visualize. He noted that as he looks at things like <br />Oak Grove, there are a number of ridges like that which do not fall into the definition that <br />staff came up with, and that is the reason he brought it up. <br />Carol Spain stated that one point she mentioned that was in the email from Amy <br />Laughlin was to re -look at what was written up in Item E -3 to ensure that the verbiage is <br />an accurate reflection of what the intent was, to better match what was in the Minutes, <br />although that may be a concern now that what is in the Minutes does not match what is <br />in the tapes. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Ms. Harryman requested clarification regarding Item E.2. where the word "exemption" is <br />used. She indicated that she is hearing Commissioner O'Connor's interpretation, for <br />example, that these public amenities are not commercial or residential, so they are <br />really not an exception but an interpretation. She noted that just as she saw in the <br />manufactured slope, she is seeing this as an interpretation and so it does not apply, but <br />it can be a clarification. She added that the word exemption /exception, given how <br />initiatives work and not wanting to amend, is not necessarily an amendment, but one <br />can sort of see how it gets there. She asked how the Commission felt about changing <br />this language so it is not an exemption but an interpretation or clarification. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 23, 2013 Page 31 of 44 <br />